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Page : 659
restrained pleasure and pain paciešana restraint is at the same level. This joy is not superior to the soul, which allows the bench to suppress moans of anguish.
All true benefits of equal weight, equal amount of the false is an empty lot, and therefore, an observer who is big and bright, fail as soon as check their weight.
What is the highest human good? - To act in the nature of faith. But there is no doubt that peace will never disturb greater happiness than that restored with great bloodshed. There is no doubt that neiedragāta health is a greater happiness than that of severe, life-threatened disease recovered with some violence (eg, surgery), and patience.
benefit is only one dimension: to be consistent with nature.
clear sky spožumspožas can not get even brighter radiance, as well as a man who takes care of your body and soul and find the benefits of a combination of both, has reached perfection and the highest fulfillment of your desires, if his soul is free from passion, flesh - from the pain.
A total of human nature is sufficient to gain peace of mind and body.
I am not so extravagant, that\'d be sick, but if there were jāslimo, no way I would not like to be incontinent and flaccid. So desirable is not hardness, but the virtues with which they are tolerated.
If masculinity is desirable, it is desirable to patient shock torture, because it is part of masculinity. It is however advisable not to tolerate torture, but to endure the masculine.
tolerate torture, he has all the virtues, but perhaps one stands out in particular, appears most obviously - patience.
There are also benefits with a sad face, a desire, a fulfillment rather than wishers celebrated, but respectfully godātāju regiment.
There\'s nothing better, more beautiful than a virtue. And everything that happens after the command is good and desirable.
If some of the benefits would be greater than the other, I prefer those that seem harsh, not soft and light, and bring them bigger. There are however significant role to overcome difficulties than to comply with the mayor\'s delight.
One and the same mind allows you to carry a fortune worthy, masculine - unfortunately.
I commend the battle over the fate of the masculine tested benefits.
wise man never darbīgāks like when she opens the eyes divine and human.

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