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also very bold and rich in spirit can hide in any cover.
The huts may rise ambitious and worthwhile person, the ugly, minor injury - a beautiful, a great soul.
Bodily disfigurement soul does not make ugly, but the beauty of the soul body is decorated.
Every virtue has its own mayor. Mayor has set a limit: no firmness kāpināma, like trust, truthfulness, reliability.
human virtues is a single measure: there is only one mind, straight and simple.
But the mind is nothing but the human body accompanied to the divine spirit part.
[ Philosophy ]
Joy and bold, sturdy torture paciešana are the same: in both cases appear in the same spirit of greatness, the first - calm and easy, the second - wishful and tight.
[ Philosophy ]
serenity, simplicity, generosity, constancy, steadiness, strength - all based on the same virtue, that soul shall be straight and invincible.
[ Philosophy ]
Nothing, to be made against their will, forced, not moral.
[ Philosophy ]
What is not free, can not be moral: where fear, there is slavery.
[ Philosophy ]
man who wants to act morally, to not be considered as anything evil to him into the road, although he finds it uncomfortable, so he does everything from free will, gladly. Everything takes place without the moral command and coercion - it is clean and without any admixture of evil.
[ Philosophy ]
between pleasure and pain is a huge difference. If I had to choose, then I for one aspire to, avoidance of each other: one corresponding to the nature, the other is perverse.
[ Philosophy ]
As the sun darkens the brightness of the lesser light the virtue of his greatness pan and overcomes pain, troubles and grievances, and where it uzmirdz, extinguishes all that can be seen without it; tribulations that occur for virtue, it is not more than rain to the sea.
[ Philosophy ]
Virtue is equally commendable as a whole and free, so ill and in chains forged in the flesh.
[ Philosophy ]
Who will be evaluated by your own so unjust that the whole-son love over suffering, slim and tall for more than a small or medium size? Animals do not distinguish between their babies and deposited in the same way to feed them, feed the birds divided equally. Ulikss rushing to his Ithaca rocks just as Agamemnon at Mykonos proud walls: no one but does not love their homeland because they are large, but because of his birthplace.
[ Philosophy ]

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