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Page : 656
Much pamper yourself, that want us to praises that are doing just the opposite. What other torture, hears the call itself infinitely gentle, who prey on others - the amazingly generous as to drinking and lust - the abstinence model. This has the effect that did not want to change, consider ourselves as nice people.
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Joy essential feature is that it is a never-ending, and do not turn your contrast.
Smart is armed against any attack and it is ready. For him to attack poverty, sorrow or thunderstorm, or pain - he will not depart without fear everything will go off and going to get through.
sage is joyful, bright, calm, imperturbable, he lives at the same level with the gods.
all strive for joy, but where to find a permanent, great joy, that they do not know, one that wants to feast, and luxury, the other - his vanity and poor folk crowd, another - the favorite, yet another - from scratch Swank the liberal arts and sciences or literature that nothing neizdziedina. So think about what gives wisdom: continuous, balanced pleasure.
human soul is like the sky above the moon: it is always kept clear. A wise man is never without pleasure, but pleasure that arises only from being aware of its moral value is: can only enjoy the bold, righteous, show restraint.
no longer surprised that all the misfortunes dogged us from a very early age: the curse of the parents have grown up atmosphere. Even though the gods hear us even when times izlūdzamies something selfless!
nature, which we have attributed to such a low body given us so does not fill his belly with the same greed trumps largest cannon fodder and animals? By no means! We costly than our bodily hunger, and vanity.
Live in it for the benefit of many, lives in it, using their own forces and those who hide in inaction and motionless, his house is home to the grave: they sped ahead of his death.
I Leave my old age, if they keep me intact - intact its best, namely the long terms. But if they undermine my mind, it will devastate split, where they will leave me not life but only in life, then throw out of the satrupējušā, collapsing housing. The pain of not doing yourself a tip: it means to die to be beat. Weak and flabby is dying in pain, but a fool to live in pain sake.
I\'m ready to go, and just so happy about life, that I too do not care how long I will live. When I was not old yet, will put a stop to the right to live, now aged, - the right to die, but the good sense to die - to die happy.
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eagerly look forward to your friends, because do not know how long we will be doomed.
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, losing friends, our eyes are neither dry nor overflow: a cry, but not jāvaimanā.
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Tears are looking for evidence of its long and rather than surrender to the pain, but it turns out it. Nobody Do not be sad to himself - what a pathetic stupidity! Also, sadness is its ambition.
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will make sure that the memory of us become lost in pleasant: nobody will be happy to return it, for he can not think without pain.
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