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but is a big difference if your life is free from obligations or inactive.
crowd of the obligations of free persons deemed to be, went aside, and is free of care, and happy with yourself and live for yourself, but it\'s all within reach only a sage.
Who does not live with anyone, so it still does not live for yourself. However, persistence and perseverance that intent is such a great feature that inspires respect even to the persistent failure to act.
You can also associate with absent friends, as often as long as the will: yes, the joy, the biggest, especially in the absence of pleasures.
be our soul, but we are always present, it sees every day, whatever you want. We live in very cramped if something were unavailable for our opinion.
clearly visible flaws are not so dangerous: the disease tends to decline when its breaks out with all the power. Both greed and ambition, and other ailments of the human soul is most dangerous when behind the apparent health.
peaceful silence, except for the fact that the mind creates. Night brings a difficult, rather than prevent it, only exchanged one trouble for another. Also sleepers dreams are just as confused as his day: the only real peace, which gives the correct mental attitude.
sometimes disturbing the peace.
There is no doubt that the omission ment are aizgaiņā habit.
Unable to grasp the soul, which consists of the finest agents, or the destruction of the body: its fineness because it breaks through the whole of their forces.
soul, which is even finer than fire up the possibility of freedom from any body. So the question is merely whether it may be immortal. But consider that to be safe: if it is already going through the flesh, so that nothing be lost to the body, it never be destroyed, because there is no immortality and eternal with exceptions, nothing can harm.
What lazy to expect their fate is like a coward, just like wine over the mayor gave himself a man in an empty jar to drink with all mielēm.
None of us is not the same age, who was young, none of us in the morning is not the same one that was the day before. Our bodies are being caught off the river. Nothing to see, do not remain constant. The river is more clearly visible than in man, but also brings us to leave no less rapid flow.
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In a world that is eternal and nepieveicama, change and not remain the same. So do not be afraid that one day it will happen, what happens every day.
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Modesty can prolong aging, which I believe is not coveted, not dismissed.
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Everything but left not because it would be eternal, but because it protects the holder of the universe care: not immortal defender. Creator of this world to be protected, under its own power uzveikdams matter fragility.
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