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Page : 649
Are we living in Ghana, not depend on the years, not days, but from the soul.
God like you can not make money: God than not.
should be sought, which does not become worse day by day and having nothing to oppose. What is it? Spirit, but just, honest, great.
I wish you a dominant influence over itself to your vague idea excited spirit finally be at peace and security, and to be happy with yourself, to understand what the benefits are real, which, once understood, has already been obtained and it should not be in addition to years of life. Only it has overcome the need, it\'s just been living life and be free to live fulfilled lives.
admire some trees, if everything is equally stately forest.
Instead it is a beauty, which is an amazing leg or arm, but that looks a whole could not admire the individual parts.
\'d be under the umbrella of another? The order itself and speak, which should be stored in memory, pick something in front of him. People who do not own anything, but always as intermediaries lies in the shadow of a strange, there is nothing noble, and they would never dare to do what for so long studied.
recollect the meaning assigned to keep the memory, while the know - to do things their own way, does not depend on the sample and neatskatīties every moment of the teacher.
between you and the book is a difference.
desire to be honest is already in court proceedings goodness. Known as well in? Fully reached, independent people with no power, no need not to make the wicked.
If the action is controversial, it shows an unbalanced soul.
What is a friend, that love, but that love is not always a friend. So always make a good friendship, love and sometimes detrimental.
The people we love, we enjoy the presence, but it is superficial and fleeting: see, to be together, consort - that is the joy of life, especially if you see not only what you want, but they also as a you want.
Wish variability suggests that the soul is adrift, and appears here in one, there another place where the wind will bring. Having a strong foundation in place it does not change.
envy people find themselves constantly changing, and some are destroyed, others are falling. Happiness - it is the anxious, the trenkā itself, daždažādi worried about our minds. It all makes for something to chase some out - for power, others - for luxury, one it makes conceited, others - effeminate, but condemns all.

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