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Page : 645
What then do you want: to be fed or hungry, lack of abundance? Happiness is the greedy and the greed of other subject. While\'ll want more and more, others will want more and more from you.
A wise man breaking the society and customs of the people will not pay much attention to himself in an unusual way of life.
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abstinence can be achieved with good health.
The wise in all things the intention, not the outcome.
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Feast can celebrate without excesses.
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Philosophy taught to act, not talk.
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main task and its main characteristic - to match the words and works for everyone in all circumstances be among their peers.
Izraugies once and for all as a benchmark by which live, and equalize after all his life.
No one can not always like the same thing if it is not correct.
with their belongings too busy man most unhappiness is that he considers as friends people who are not the same, he imagines that the friends to obtain enough to do them good, but some people hate the very most, what they are owed the most : a small loan to make the debtor, a large - of the enemy.
you know that it is more important, who gets away from you, rather than received.
It\'s a lot - not to be corrupted by living next to wealth, and the great thing is that the richness of the poor.
Soul jāuzmodina from sleep and jāuzpurina, and it should be noted that the nature of putting on us very little. No one is born rich, anyone who sees the light of day, I would like to be satisfied with milk and fabric fraying.
Light has its own set, the same source, is borrowed radiance to shine.
philosophy handled the same way as they do in the Senate: when I excite a proposal only partially, I propose to divide (split vote), and assume only that which I agree.
The exceptional needs that can be postponed, curb or suppress aizrādīšu only one: the pleasure is natural, but not necessary.
Belly listening instructions: it requires, however, points and lender is not bothersome, it easy to pay, unless you give as much you owe, not as much as you can!
No one is so scary that would not fall down once better than hang forever.

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