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Believe what you enjoyable. Increases and has appeared on the right, which is within you.
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flesh too expensive, his glory is expensive.
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As far as we can vairīsimies not only the dangers, but also out of trouble; patversi-mies safe and think from time to time, as a pretext atvairāmi fear. Those are three: we fear a lack of fear of diseases, the fear of what may happen because of a stronger power.
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wise never cause the mighty wrath, but to avoid them, as the sea-crossing avoid the storm.
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wise man will protect the power that he can be dangerous, but above all cares for his enforcement would not be visible.
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you have to present as little as possible, which would be worth away.
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An old manual makes us shy away from three things - the hate, envy, contempt.
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Being hated and respected (to be suspected) are equally harmful.
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Beasts flee from danger, are seen, but escaped from them, they feel safe. But we nomokāmies both future and past. Many of our benefits are bad for us: they are suffering memory recalls the agony of fear, anticipation rushes in front of them. No one is unhappy only because of the current.
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higher body weight inhibits long, because then it becomes less busy. Therefore, as far as you can, to rein in their body and frees the spirit. A rich diet deprives the spirit of subtlety.
Exercises that require great effort, long debilitating and makes it incapable of strenuous, intense scientific work. But it is easy, short exercises that will quickly tiring flesh, gives relaxation and does not require a lot of time to think about the first place: running, arm movements with dumbbells and jumping - either high or far away, the habit makes them easy. But, while doing that, the sooner returned from the body to the spirit, exercising the day and night on moderate exertion keeps it quicken. These exercises will not prevent nor frost, nor swelter, not even the aged: the year of the benefit for the years getting better and better!
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Everything that we grant the body\'s condition at birth, will remain, no matter how hard and long the advancement of the soul.
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glow you can not suppress, not to artificially create. Against the wisdom of such phenomena do not promise anything and does not work: they are independent, comes unbidden and uninvited go.
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If you do not want to feel fear in combat soldier, trained him before. Then followed by people who, every month atdarinādami (modelēdami) poverty, lack of approached to later never neizbītos from what has often experienced.
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Vingrināsimies and to the destiny of us unawares by surprise, closer acquainted with poverty. Being rich, jutīsimies safer if know that is not so hard to be poor.
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worthy of the Deity is just what disparaging wealth.
Remeasured anger causes madness, so to avoid the wrath of not only a sound of, but also health.
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