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liked what he has, but all the folly that it is a tired and tormented.
Pray God safely with you but pray another\'s property. Begged the correct mental posture, healthy soul, then - the flesh. Why do you raise such expectations more often?
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You\'d be free from all passions, after you was so that I would pray to God only what you can ask any hearing.
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Many violations are made, if the potion that they do have a witness present.
How happy is the man who, being present, if only other people think they can make a difference!
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There must be followed by our character: the only criterion iztaisnojams wrong.
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Greatest Benefits of conversation in small Dose ielavās soul.
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pre-prepared statement which is being built in front of a large audience, have more volume, less sincerity.
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not be any unreasonable people leave the same way, since he was plotting evil intentions, is preparing a danger to others or himself, he one after the other for a variety of sneaking desires and reveal the soul of all that had made a secret out of fear or shame, it sakāpina boldness , sakairina lust, kindles anger. Finally, the fool lost the only advantage, what is the solitude, - another no confidence in it and not to be afraid talebearer, he put himself.
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we vistīkamākie when they go to the end of the prettiest children at the end of childhood. Wine lovers of the most delights the last mouthful - is that their sink, makes a complete intoxication. Each enjoys a favorite, it has, pataupa end. Age enjoy most is the fact that already fly down, but not too fast.
Every day laid out as though it were the conclusion of a row and would last a lifetime.
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If God will separate us at ¬ even tomorrow, accept it with pleasure. What next for tomorrow without worrying, is the happiest man and carefree belong to himself.
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Piekāpieties flesh only to the extent necessary to health! Handled by the body more closely, it does not cease to obey the spirit: food to soothe their hunger, drink to quench the thirst, clothing repels the cold dwelling to be protected from all harmful flesh: is it built of turf or colorful foreign lands stones are insignificant. You know: straw man is as good as gold backing. Remember: nothing is worthy of admiration, than the spirit, against which, if it is a big, nothing big.
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What we fear is present in more than what we are afflicted, and often suffer in their imagination than in reality. Not unhappy ahead of time, because that\'s what you do in the risk and you are afraid might never happen, at least not yet happened.
So much that torments us more than it should, a lot of that - sooner than it should, in many things, which in general should not torment us.
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Ask yourself: maybe Moko and sorrow without any basis and unfortunately makes it that did not have one?
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We will soon join the other\'s opinion and not checking nepūlamies be clear about what we fear and trembling, and bow as people flee, terrified of the unknown people distributed fairy-tales.
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rumors distributors were afraid of the unknown as if it would be safe, lose the sense fever - concerns us immediately turns into fear.
Also the problem is capricious. Maybe it will come, maybe never come, but so far it has not, so thought the best!
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Posta will not limit where all afraid of but to be afraid.
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