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rāmam time: the sea sabangojas in an instant, the same day as the ship was still draiskojušies waves, they are devouring abyss.
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Since you were born, you get transported to the death.
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We devote these and similar reflections, if we calmly await the last hour, we fear that causes anxiety in all other classes.
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Think long, or give someone your friendship, but when you decided to be adopted by him with all my heart, speak to him as surely as by ourselves.
In all its troubles, all thoughts only share with a friend. Believing him to be reliable, they will make a.
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all believe and not believe no one is equally wrong. Ash and blame the ones who are always turbulent, and those who are always peaceful.
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The lovers of peace work, and active need to spend time resting. Consulted with nature: it will tell you that led to both day and night.
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first proof of the spirit of peace is the ability to stop and be together with himself.
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What are everywhere, it is nowhere.
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large quantity of books just pulling us in all directions. And since you can not read everything, as you may be, it is sufficient for you is what you can read.
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The poor thing is not having too little, but who wants more.
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What is the measure of wealth? The first - which is what is needed, the next - when as much as suffice.
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well with their poverty, the rich.
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If I would give wisdom to rule, to keep it inside turn and shall not disclose, I renounce them. Nepriecē no benefit if the multiple of the other.
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And nothing, no matter how great a boon and it would be no pleasure to me, if it will only be known to me alone.
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We will try to make our way of life would be better than the crowd, not the opposite. Otherwise aizbaidīsim, atsvešināsim of them myself, which would make the better.
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