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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Email : info@eurika.lv


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can not become a narrow specialist, without being in the strict sense of the mutt.
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The more I work the more I live.
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activity in the world faces, not good intentions, so one expect from a sinner is worth more than ten inaction saints and martyrs.
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I wanted to become a second Michelangelo, but found that do not know how to draw. Then I wanted to be a musician, but found that do not know how to play. I wanted to be a singer, but did not vote. I am not intend to write, but it happened by itself, without my will.
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gratitude was always delayed, and the truth has become trivialized by the fact that the genius of bread instead of receiving a stone, and even after their death.
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beloved one gray hair touched me harder than most beautiful young girls thick gold braid.
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Life makes all the people like, death reveals excellence.
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neuzrakstīsiet a good book before you\'ve written a number of bad books.
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My reputation grew with each of my failure.
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man who sees life in the true light, but interprets the romantic, doomed to despair.
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martyrdom is the only way a person without a special talent can become significant.
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between the actors and the authors are about the same as the relationship between bricklayers or carpenters and architects. Actors do not necessarily need to understand the overall vision of their work to that end, they better nepaveiks.
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world, the unreasonable world of trying to apply yourself. So progress is always dependent on the unintelligent.
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ability to think is one of the passions. It is able to give more pleasure than any other passion.
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Reading made Don Quixote a knight, but the Belief That theyâ have a read made him a lunatics.
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Page : 634
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