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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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What\'s strange that you do not have any benefit from trips anywhere if you pull up on yourself?
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English waiter is waiting for orders, execute them and never to the above nenoskaņojas, but if you change your mind, he does not show neither surprise nor disappointment. Italian waiter in advance a clear and precise imagine where you sit by and Eating, and if you will come to mind to disappoint his expectations, he stabbed you.
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his youth underestimate youth.
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Youth is a wonderful thing. It is a sin to spend their children.
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is three youth - the body, the heart and the spirit of youth. Pity that they never match time.
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neuzlūkoju the melting candle. It is like a glorious page that moment came into my hands.
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Alcohol is the anesthesia that allows you to undergo an operation, called life.

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Cultural behavior is lacquer, which can be easily dissolved in alcohol.
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Gambling promises the poor what the rich give private property: that is why the bishops do not condemn them too harshly.
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unhappy, it destroys.
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If you too long to be able to decide what to do with your life, it may end up.
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Life is an adventure, not a ready-made recipe.
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Do not try to live forever, nothing will come to you.
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writing biography, remember that the whole truth is not a valid publication.
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Only a fool can celebrate the death anniversary approaching.
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