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Email : info@eurika.lv


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Silence is the best way to express contempt.
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silence - one of the hardest arguments rebuttable.
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man may rise in the highest peaks, but there he could not stay long.
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There is a perception that a person may not be too much, but it can happen - the difficulties likely to withstand much more than heavenly bliss.
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The more people who are so ashamed of how he, as he admired.
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Better never than late.
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drunk pilot to rely on fate. But sometimes fate is driven by drunk pilot boats on the rocks.
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the father of lies, of course, the devil, but he did not negligently patented his idea and his measure now suffering severely due to competition.
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Mela penalty is not that he does not believe in none, but the fact that he can no longer trust anyone.

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Whole body is a healthy mind product.
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Joyful soul strengthens the body.
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I never nepretojos temptation, because I know from experience: that to me is harmful to tempt me.
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eternal vacation - a good description of hell.
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Hell, in short, is a place where there is no need to do anything other than yourself to be entertained.
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If someone decided to kill the tiger, it is called a sport, but if the tiger decided to kill people, it is called asinskārību.
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