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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Email : info@eurika.lv


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We are all slaves to the good that is in us, and the bad things that are beyond us.

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man - as brick, burnt, become harder.
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Atzīsties our sins to God - you will be forgiven, atzīsties those people, and will be ridiculed.
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The only way to survive the shame, laugh at myself along with everyone.
Virtue is not lack of passion, and power over them.
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passion is all religious and moral system of the steam engine.
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Neatliec on the morning of the pleasure you can get today.
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trouble to get what you like,
or you\'ll be forced to contend with
to get.
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The more faith effort applied an expression of courage, the more valuable is this courage.
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danger is always there for those who are afraid of them.
A man finds his action for any reason, except one, their crimes - any excuse, but one of its own security - for any reason, except one, and this one is his cowardice.
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Being a slave of fear - the worst form of slavery.
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learn the art of convincing to say \'no\', it is the most essential skill in the world.
Your life will continue until the moment of martyrdom, when you do not learn to answer the following without the slightest difficulty viskategoriskākajā tone, completely ignoring the prayer, or ruler, no strong feelings or to request or require you to do something that does not match your own preferences.
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no other brain than those with such effort put into our heads.

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national holiday is the date on which Darwin proclaimed that they are our ancestors?
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Experience is a school where a man learns what a fool he had been before.
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, the stones of London streets would be smarter than most famous people.
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Page : 626
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