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spiritual world is a sphere of causes, the material - the effects sphere, intellectual (soul-) - meditation sphere.
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predict the correct sense to imagine.
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people who believe that there are better, more powerful or holds a higher position, which constantly condemns and criticizes, who disappeared from their suffering, trying to hide behind a mask detachment, not to share grief with others, has a negative aura (astral body).
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arrogance and conceit right humility.
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human live are two types of internal fire: the passion and fire of divine love, the fire service. Passion people paverdzina fire, the fire of divine love - released. The man who wants to transform itself, must go through the divine fire.

The symbolism of the fire element is associated with the Spirit, the spiritual spheres.
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Trey gates leading to hell - lust, anger and greed.
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Life would be too difficult without friends.
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only be delivered once for something to start the things we thought quite differently.
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May I just say? I just miss you. . .
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a word may be offensive, but the dictionary - to kill.
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cry, because you remember me only when you need something, or have fun, because you remember me at all?
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Lying - the fastest way to lose me.
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Visnožēlojamākā soul is ready to be humble, to iepatiktos.
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Want? prove!
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Know? You, indeed, be exactly what I want. .
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