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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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past shows us the future. Knowing what it was, we can know what will.
soul, richly bless others, taps strengthened, and, what is abundantly refreshes others will himself quench.
self-knowledge is one\'s own knowledge, self-cultivation of a broader consciousness. The more self-knowledge as the personal unconscious becomes thinner layers in the collective unconscious.
We have seen the future, as if we ourselves have already survived. Must participate in an intensive process of reflection for the future with a good view of bicycles. When we give, we will get back with interest, as this principle is based on World Energy Exchange. Have to care about the environment and protect it, because nature is incredibly powerful source of energy. Our level of volatility will increase with each new intuitive idea of ​​life and our ultimate mission is to further increase energy levels.
changes, vibration raising of human consciousness expansion, the increase to the level of spiritual consciousness.
Intuition is the bridge between spirituality and intellect.
Speak little, think a lot.
Lessons Collect fruits and drink of Eternal Spring, When will know how to reign over ourselve to do it for Greed.
you need to not only take, but The volume and share with others.
time like the wind - can not catch. The only difference is that the time a man came up, but can not figure out the wind.
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Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. Does not relieve your anxiety problems of tomorrow, it just takes away your strength today.
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this sentence called life, occasionally turns into a comma on the subject of the sentence.
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Time is what one always tries to kill, but in the end it killed him self!
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Drop in vain to land a handful of coin, you will get another, but nothing ever throw a minute, you will not get back no never.
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The eagle never lost so much time as when he studied singing.
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