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Page : 611
netaisnojies, baby. Do not speak. Send flowers. Without letters. Only flowers. They cover up everything. Even the graves.
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All you need for the triumph of evil is good for human failure.
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Change is one of life\'s laws, and those who look at the past and present, will miss the future.
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World are just a few that can not be spoiled, not money, not power, not love. From the beginning, everyone thinks that: \"I belong to those few. \"
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enough with just two people - one a true friend, and the one you truly love.
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It All Depends on how we look at things, and not on Whether They Are in themselves.
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leader is one who knows the way, walk yourself through it and show it to others.
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I did not know
In the long run
I forget all the bad
And will spring tenderness
And the grove where the stare song is playing,
And Madara froth over the meadows,
And the clouds will be a light one,
That the good words
Seek mouth
And armor shirt
Put off your mind.
Heart naked and smooth,
And spear and shield lying in the grass. . .
I did not know
In the long run
This site will have to return,
I did not know
In the long run
All the bad away aizkūpēs
Hall and gold glimmer of dew,
Once more I ieskatīšos.
[ poem ]
not be taken to heart so much,
If any of you
Harsh words were spoken.
Therefore, these words are given,
In order to clean up their
Thoughts rush.

Nature of the word,
A new zest for yourself.
Did not want to have, no evil,
Help to understand
Life in you.

Smile, let in the sun!
Not always
Frigid wind blows,
Not conclude my heart,
New power to arise.

[ poem ]
broken mug
tiny fragments
cut the blood fingers
tears and eyelid
the broken mug
[ poem ]
Do not tell me that you love, that desire,
So to appear weak,
Permits at least once to say: - I can not,
I do not listen feet. . . -

Permitting, the worries, big and small,
Your hands are placed,
On his broad shoulders
Bring me a peaceful sleep!

To me does not appear again in my dreams
Long and rainy day,
When I splashed mud splashes,
Brien on the road alone. . .

[ poem ]
most violent man deceive yourself -
The very same tales and writes them to believe
Same as any other site promise given,
Expects that it will be fulfilled.

Visneprātīgāk man of my self -
On the same hand illusions homes being built.
They are placed in the window panes pink film
But the front door klintsakmeni yet.

Worst man casts himself,
When an alien view of Supervisors take yourself,
And then the mountain as lame mare
He was driven by his conscience to die.

Vislīdzjūtīgāk people pity themselves
And the fate of the criminals called.
For where there are the flowers that nevīst,
When the days fly by pass interference?

But who, O man, take care of you?
Who\'s your time will make a real place?
Who will be carried out by yourself in your place
And having the pleasure of your life will be?

And so, man, do not forget yourself
And do not let another in your place to decide
In the real is what you see with your heart,
And persistent, you can be happy to take!

[ poem ]
life possible to pass through the seven forms of existence, the existence of any form of development for seven periods, each period (human race) consists of seven cultural ore. Current, European-style cultural era, is the fifth in a row.
There are two kinds of prayer, first, when we ask anything for himself, the second the thanks to God.
our neighbors are valued at their work and made the action, but at higher powers it - from a man of action have been able to refrain, and of how he was able to deal with yourself.

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