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Page : 568
Other times and other virtues,
Oh! - And yet we see so vecveco. . .
The same nudity, nudity the same:
Changing cloths with which they can bear.
[ ]
Youth handle and quick to do,
As if in the end would come the next morning or the day after tomorrow.
Old hesitant to slow the mind -
As if they did not know death.
[ ]
other merit call happiness
Same nonsense we call flattery
The family adversity.
[ ]
clasp doors
Snap windows
Hiding on the stove overnight,
Though a late mother
You Uzkrauc burdens
If Laimiņi not hold collected.
[ ]
honest way to go,
It lost again Maldita -
but what will the news
thicknesses of the wonders of the forest!
[ ]

If the sky Kus and forests storm formed,
If the flame tongue oak iron,
If he falls and shattered skambās splitting -
Then, standing in silent sorrow in the heart of prattle.

Or, if we are to tall locust tree
It is as if behind the self-will see a rising,
Then know this: green oak us the old way,
Laughing and we waved his hand.

But if someone comes with a sweet story of deceit
And secretly cut and cut with a sharp ax,
And the Overthrow of the tree with a rope transferor -
Then look at the holy curse!
[ ]

Outs covered white white
Land snauž gentle sleep.
A cold winter sun\'s rays
Dark pine forest pine glauž.

Ice on trees pērslas glis
NIB and shines, and agleam so
As shines RAIBIE vizulīši
Grandmother\'s crown.

There\'s a swamp fog Kemi
Slowly rising, slow milst,
Aizlīgo silent over the mountain
And behind the forest fades and wanes.

The head is concealed, squatting on a branch
Ubadziņš winged aircraft,
Or maybe the spring
Drinking song he dreams?

The sun setting over the sarkansārti,
Golden flame shining windows.
Open the star gate opens,
Quiet night out on the land sliding.
[ ]

Around the corners of the house
Mother icy wind flapping skirt.

Čirkst dirty snow
Under the sled runners
And walking legs.

The streets lit on fire.
As the war tongue
Yellowish flame
Licks around the iron bars
And all kinds of people
Heated at them
Hand and ģīmjus.
Only there
Where the edge of the Neva
The two granite sphinxes
The snow-covered chest
Looking at one another,
Burns retired fire.
Kūkumu draft,
Hands in pockets,
Two steps out of her
Standing in the STEWARD
And look, as one
Ogle at the other
Glowing and dying.

It loneliness at night
Glowing and dying
One hot heart.
And hands in pockets
Standing in her present
Gorodovoj virtue
And ensure that everything is
Thoroughly happens. . .
[ ]
Ziedonis present

Jumping the sun is laughing: good morning!
Larks heavenly clarity skid,
Trili does not end there - and tralināt:
Heyday here! Heyday here!

Where pļavmalē bumble bee drones,
She pulls a yellow buttercups,
Then twisted the crown, vīdama sings:
Heyday back in their homeland to go!

Breeze grove žužina slow
Curly bends his head there\'s a boy
Initiates, pipe cut, blow:
Vernal joys to their homeland to flow!

Cheeks jolly boy tvīkst,
Sorrow, long a girl drowning -
Larks do not cease to preach:
Present heyday, heyday here!
[ ]
my heart\'s darling

With green wings
With violet
Curly, golden hair,
With dandelion stems
Kaparkrāsainām bondage
Pink around the neck,
Around the rosy breasts and hips:
So he comes to me,
My heart\'s darling,
Ziedonis guy!
And he told me noglauž
Forehead and cheeks
Ķezberu with twigs,
Baltbaltu full flower,
Ber me and the hair
As glimmering pērslas.
I tremble at heart.
And he says to me
With star eyes -
I tremble at heart.
I smile,
And tears of joy
I sakāpj eyes.
But he did! - Take the shackles
From the hips, the neck
And striking me in the
No mercy!
And laughs, and only he,
This daredevil kissable,
Laughs and says: - Are,
Well, I present
Pinkstuļus scold! -
And then he gently
Placed his hand
On the left shoulder
Captures your favorite obstacle
Gray lark,
And throw it against the gold
Mothers in the sun:
[ ]
My rose bush

My rose bush, rose bush lazy,
While the middle of the garden space.
When Jasmini already smelled
This is just another sunset buds.

But the warm night, but his night,
She knew it I give you:
When I went this morning on the porch,
Bush stood in full bloom.

And now the heart is called, and the heart is called either:
You - leave the stone house
And my green garden šmauc,
To you with your roses,
Threw red roses!
[ ]
Summer Night

Cloud of red burned in the evening,
Nobālējis, and twilight gray blanket -
Ditches, slept at the spooky shadows -
Slowly unfurled.

Rest laidušies noisy flocks of birds.
Silently as a dream līgojas tree branches,
Only in the meadow, where the wave is already thick fog,
Heard spinning.

Heard as a stream of water washing over Zvirgzde.
Holy month behind the birch tops are rising,
Dress grove and the hills of Silver,
Shining decorate.

Wonderful view! How lovely beautiful
Beads of dew on the grass, bent on being placed!
Smell the night leaving the sweet violins. . .
There is peace everywhere.

Peace! Angel of peace white hands
Quenches the hot desire and sorrow, and anguish.
Peacemakers! Except your cup ever hear
With \'my heart!
[ ]
song Little Martha

Mamma, dear māmiņīti,
Come and look at you with:
In the garden the first violet
Prosperous can see.

In the middle of the gold
A small, small heart
And the morning dew draw,
On top of a beautiful tit shines.

Who the violet plūksim,
Which it tacks on the breast?
Or ask a village or bits,
to a new suc honey?
[ ]

Pienenīte, Pienenīte
Sitting on a green pakalnītes,
Passes dear sun,
Give them laburītu.

Pienenīte, Pienenīte,
We radoties so beautiful -
All I have pure gold
You lindraciņi golden.
[ ]

Both burnt down arms
To my shift the head,
Atspiedusēs oak,
Vasariņš stand and wonder.

So many warm golden sun,
So many flowers in the meadow medicine,
So many berries birch grove,
So much Dzīsme azure -

And surely there amidst green shadows
One small, pale girl
Sees his girlfriend,
Seated and the number of asariņas!
[ ]

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