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Page : 567
himself to me at this time sorry
As fate manim rose simply displacing,
I only have a window to look,
As a life long to go green and go.
[ ]
No we do not blame my mouth,
So the fact that it is not my lips asks:
For this, the fate of us all LEM,
As a victim of the agony of pain takes,
What svelmējušas my soul
With life nedegušu fire.
To be one of vispēdējiem I,
Living as long crawling through the night,
Having to look at the other cup captures
And wine-loving dzirkstījošo drink!
[ ]
To be the one I vispēdējiem,
The world having Strait šitāds day,
Oh, so the sun comes in dark basements
To warm, white light in fulfilling them!
I know now everywhere roses bloom,
I know villages dail rushes hardly -
Lord, if this happy time I Vaid:
To modify the moans of exultation fun!
[ ]

One wish
I occasionally lights up the chest,
the front of the mirror
Glaudu their hair
And probe, and see
plans that they rush into
And recommending the gray, -
One wish:
Somehow, love, could
To start again!

But Yesterdays
With steel maiglēm
There\'s now solid,
And it waits for the morning
As the poor bird,
Who ran into the yarn
Lumps and lumps
It is also complicated.
[ ]
Dream Land

It is against the land of the sunset,
It saw a.
Round I go, there go,
No longer will not come back!

Round nepūš Salta storm
What is there for the winter knows?
You ever green mint,
There\'s fruit to flowers skin.

There pērkļus swallows
The white castles of ca
[ ]

Eternal Father,
You\'re not me
How dear to coddle,
Not in
As the bar of the child
Broadcast back and contumely on the bottom.
You balvoji me
With a soft heart
And decorate their
With love
And her sister - friendship feelings.
My soul
Deeper underlying
You are ordered to
Insurmountable hate
Against all unjust,
Crooked, dirty,
Towards work and the doer,
In the twilight and darkness
Looking for a blanket.
Assigned to you
Me an expensive bride
Your pet,
Changeable jade -
Ever new
You have given me
Eyes of desire
See thy wonders,
Mouth, which has just praise them.
But oh! your works,
That they can make!
Skaņāko on the tongue,
What they are looking to
To build and celebrate,
You graciously smiles.

About all this
You have not thanked.
But the hottest enthusiastic
Sinking in the dust of
Road arm
From your throne
And say thank you
On the one gift:

O, is a man
Without longing!
This is raising the
Higher than the worm
What, intemperance
Stomach exercise,
Aizlien one
Page to another
And do not realize
Even that it enjoys.
Connected to the ground
And his dark view
Nava, the past,
Or future work,
Only a moment
It is his life.
nespulgo the stars,
And the moon red
nelec for him.
But from your solar
It nolien indolent
Pakrēslī sleep -
And a lot of the members.

Šaušalas seizes
My thoughts behind,
If their number
I reckoned we might be with you!

Take therefore my
Thank you to the hottest
For your gift,
Eternal Father!
Do not give me peace,
Neither the languid happiness
Neither the average of daily life!
Go on my soul
With longing!
Vairini him
To stronger and stronger
It moves the me
That the extra bow
Arrow by arrow
And send them away
More and more to the higher,
Greatest goals!
In order to do every-day perfection!
To thirst
After the confession!
To tvīcin tvīkstu
For love!
To dash
Against the morning,
Where bright Trinity
Behind the rosy voiles
Effulgent beauty and benefits
And truth.
To stretch the hand
And met Part the
Concealed them outs!

Anoint me dv
[ ]

It is you, sorrow soul will know:
It can not be all wound aizdziedināt,
You can not silence the pain
Unable to cool the hot thirst.
It can not be put over each Zemūdens footbridge,
You can not wash every stain,
Can not protect against every frost,
Can not all be on the Sun Mountain -
You can not, not ever!

Vaid up sorrow soul:
And if the person is not so much power
And if there is not love,
Is it at the top where the blue building
Those who walk in the light blinding,
Ever delights in the eyes, smile face,
Are not those flashes mace wear
You can not come to us, vārgulīšiem, the rescue?
Can not be, can not?

Pārskrien building a high intensity blue dark shadow
Back comes the response vaida slow:
Can not - can not - can not ---
[ ]

Deeper, deeper, deeper into the nuzzle,
Closer to the mystery gumshoe,
Oh, the mind wants it hot!
Where is the sealed gate,
Precious offend?
Where is the magic diamond NIB?

In your hand near snieci,
Because the more you get scared,
Standing in front of you as a freak.
Inability heart feel
Coated to be so hard, difficult,
And you frosty tops and dumb.

Get on! and go to the mirror!
Mystery around the fence
Your own weakness being built;
Your appearance is changed,
Freak do you think the scene
As long as your yellow flabbiness.

It has secret court
Every escape from each guest,
Gurdinot with: Oh, flee, flee!
But for how he will fear
However, this is a long waiting
You to open their closed!
[ ]

When a clear night,
Month during the sleep
The silent sky
lift up your eyes
And looking around in the sun,
That countless
You are at the top of the small
Sparks various effulgent,
Then my soul
Takes the sacredness,
So deep, so contagious,
What would otherwise never
inability to feel.
But while I arm
as if to pray
Bent together
and eyes in the morning
On the evening walk
Flashing road
Rhone on the lips
False, ridiculous
After beating all
Had a beginning?
Where to beating all
Had a beginning?
As thorny flowers,
What plūcēja hand
Painfully pierced
So I thought this
Iekšējāko harassed,
And I began to suffer,
All the existence of infinity
Thinking up.

Forever and ever
Solar you heavenly spaces
It nespulgoja,
As of now they agleam.
Everything with form and substance
Is the beginning,
Is the length of
Is the end.
This strict law
Also, you subordinate,
unfathomable sun.
Your glory
Once o\'clock.
You were a mist,
Fog ball
A single,
Without a large sense,
As eternity itself
Is this cards mist
Had a beginning?
It did not start
It was the end.
Its course
Dust gone
Pirmdaļas worlds!
How many worlds?
The whole world?
How many billion
Shining star,
How Siri remoteness
Cover the universe?
And my thoughts
Persecuted as a hawk,
Tired bird
Fly away
Infinitely endless.
But my spiritual eyes
See there was still
Stars at the stars
Baidošā, nepārtrūkstošā string.
Next, still on!
From sea star
The sea star!
Mists of the world
Behind the mists of whitish worlds!
And my thoughts
Aizmaldās away
The everlasting eternity.
And I am dizzy.
There is darkness.
Awful black
The cavity spaced
Above me, below me
And in front of me.
I tremble.

Here is the beginning.

But is there shines
Ugly dziļumaugstumā
Another star?
And one more!
And the third and fifth?
And a hundred?
And the whole sea gunīga?
Does she do not climb?
Do not be dragged her after him,
Čūskaini locīdamies,
Growing up and flickered
Šaušalains - ha, I do not know what
[ ]

Comes every time under the mental steps
Its golden ladder breaks and along crumbling,
In the sky to the ground and connected.
Then decreased, confusion and unhappy
We are standing in front of the way by the end of infinity,
And it\'s the saltums comes from Emptiness.
Where to eat in order to further Top the soul,
When hushed holiday exultation,
When the candles extinguished honor of apartments
And the same voice of God Zelio o\'clock
Behind eternity bālpelēkajiem mountains!
We feel the best of all
The most difficult deceived, and in the
We seem the longer trusted the Misery
As our own heart full of pain.
But, as we begin to listen to it,
Then there\'s unsafe hear ieskanamies
As the echo of the distant meadows fog
And a nicer sound and light within us thrive
And at the end of the holy Recognize win:
Those That seemed forever lost,
Those nezaudējami bring yourself chest.
Not Them, We, They always had in us,
So They Brought our humility
The star Zvirgzdi sopžu apartment
And listened in awe to the top
When they spoke at heart.
There\'s the seat of power of our God stands
Because they\'re in front of our works in court
We are just linking straight brings others.
[ ]

All lead-heavy sorrow,
Lament, which choked and ēdas,
All the black plague that threatens,
Endure and jānoraud.

For some, doomed to rest home,
Others are living in the middle into
Search for joy - sorrow, it will bark
Jānoraud and endure.
[ ]

Although winter heavy outs
Mountains and fields still covered with
And under the ice of the river, streams
Just quietly accumulating forces,
However, as early as sweet news
Sulfur in your heart draws.
Asks you, after which it rises?
It dar him to his dar -
[ ]

Ienīsties me
Niciniet me
Unkind members!
But you know:
Your hatred and Palau
I am no longer bitter.
As the storm over Druvu fucking,
Thrilled cereal straw,
As the rain toppled
Put the veld,
Because of your anger
Sakustināja my soul
And ordered it from collapsing
For a short time.

But in my sky
Well once again clear.
And my rye field
Flower smoke are smoking again
Up quietly.

Not posījuši
You have me be,
You will only be
I was taught.

Oh, too hasty
Have always been had!
On all sides
Sniecos and aspire
After the love hands
And betrayed himself
With perverse thoughts,
That couple closer
Finger pressure
In establishing a friendship.

You teach me now
The truth!

To warm the heart
You just have both glauzties,
Because you also freezing
Just like me
the cold ground.
But trust
As foreign to you tomorrow night!

My love
O\'clock you the most reflection,
Poor, low glare
Life of the mother sun,
Who poured his blessing,
Without asking, what will be for -
No, it seemed like you
Cabin fire
Which I cunningly kindling
Secret in the hope
That at the sildīsiet
Their meal pots
And for the future
be paying back the fruit!

This excess GUNIS
Now I Removing!
Heat your soup
On the other hearth
His rigid fingers
At the same lips,
At the same breast,
Which you hold
About the only clear
Dižuma source.

Oh, for you poor,
Cloak imaginary
Infatuated members!
How do you gudrumam
Think of escape,
If you no longer man
Do not trust!. . .

Said goodbye to you,
I also do not want to walk
by your tekām.
With a gray veil of secret
is your view.
Your world is just a chair
And cold, and fester, and shackles.
Mine changes
Light and darkness,
And next līžņai
My eyes still see a
Red clay
With green Moorish
Vēsmiņš swing and flowers.
And still believe in my heart!
In spite of your
Žņaudzieniem painful,
She has entrusted!
I find
Yet the hearts of the hearts!
I stand for life
Krācošās Sea
Changeable dunes
I am her sand
Seized a handful of
And the
[ ]
can say that fortunately is called,
then she was born in Nava;
And who can say what about happiness called
Then she disappeared, grimuse.
[ ]
What threatens gloomy as the grave?
Forcing a real challenge?
From what mīļojam,
To be forgotten. . .
[ ]

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