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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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boss always receives not only recognition, but also bears guilt.
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Subconsciously people are constantly and automatically addresses problems that have taken the road to his goal.
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success fate settled the alleged\'\' illness\'\'.
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If ever something which will see a job well done, right next door you\'ll see a maniac with a mission to harm.
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is assumed that the worst can happen.
Then you will be able to live peacefully on!
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set a goal, growing and improving, so you can achieve it!
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proved a success, it was not ready for them, eventually you will look silly.
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most growing success and failure are Separated by seemingly most one step.
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If there is a clear goal at the right time will know the right answer.
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Sense of responsibility is the key fully mature, very active and pašizzinoša individual property.
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proclaimed a general pardon! I\'m sorry for all of you to be hurt once
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Forgiveness is absolutely selfish behavior.
It relieves people from the past.
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consider yourself a self - a personal service corporation\'s president.
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Whenever I feel anger or bitterness, neutralize negative emotions, saying:\'\' I myself am guilty!\'\'
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break off concerns by providing for every situation the black scenario.
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Page : 559
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