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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

Buy charity greeting cards, and help children in hospitals

Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

Reading room

Here is our little library for a lot of different resources

Feed the children

Help children in poor families with a donation


List of many companies that have supported Eurika charity projects


Donate to help Eurika charity projects


Poems for your greeting cards


Here you can create and send your own E-cards


Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 538
Communist - socialist without a sense of humor.
Happiness - A warm bedpan.
- He who can take a sip of wine and tell you not only what a year it was bottled, but also the fact that jumping on the grapes.
literary classic - something that everyone wants to be read and nobody wants to read.
modern novels - literary works with start and end clutter.
Age - When you try to tighten up sakrokojušās socks and then you notice that not even put on its feet.
managing employee - gastric ulcer with administrative rights.
Tourist - A man who traveled thousands of miles to take a photo with his car.
Smoking - One of the main causes of statistics.
Advertising Agency - 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission.
Optimists - Someone who completes a crossword puzzle with a pen.
summer without mosquitoes, such as a computer without internet
Life is beautiful
If you live in my dreams!
[ ]
When you feel fabulous,
Pleasant, ideals and are happy!

Always be shown to anyone,
What it all you take away a couple of words,
And will settle back to earth!

This is known as a real wife
[ ]
Lots of fun!
Many beautiful things
[ ]

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Page : 538
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