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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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The only way to maintain your health - eat what you do not want, drink what to do and do not like the fact that not all will do.
[ Health ]
spriežat of your health by how you have fun on the morning and spring.
[ Health ]
we suffer from a large number of apparent disease.
[ Health ]
Also, you can not resort to eye treatment head without thinking about whether to treat head without thinking about the body as a whole, not just treat the body if untreated soul.
[ Health ]
There is no better friend for good health, worse enemy - the disease.
[ Health ]
A relaxed heart of life of the flesh, but quick and
passionate mind is as puveši bone.
[ Health ]
We ourselves are the cause of a greater part of our disease, we almost all could be prevented by maintaining a simple lifestyle, no worries, outside the crowd, of which we made out in nature.
[ Health ]
Abstinence and work - two actual human doctors: work reinforces the appetite, but sobriety prevents abuse it.
[ Health ]
Doctor happy facial expression - the patient\'s recovery home.
[ Health ]
most important in maintaining health will have on health. Also, the healing will do the most. Without a doctor\'s patient can get fit without will not.
[ Health ]
He who wants to preserve the health, living idly, acting as silly as someone who thinks the silence help to improve your voice.
[ Health ]
Only a healthy person worthy of envy.
[ Health ]
sage is, rather, to avoid diseases and not to be skillfully treated.
[ Health ]
in itself a cause of pleasure or enjoyment similar to that fire causes heat.
[ Health ]
Gymnastics extended human youth.
[ Health ]

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