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Page : 519
Spirit can love, but the spirit is asleep.
The temptation is the temptation to give in mind the arguments, while the spirit is asleep.
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in civil and military hierarchy of the top ones to the lowest, from the simplest worker to the Minister, from soldier to General - all haunted by a conscience as ēdas what they can not and should not express in words. Victim loses all dižumu if it no longer is just a parody or a suicide. It is a beautiful sacrifice: people are dying to save others.
The fire people into the way the flames. People in the trenches fighting to the death to delay
time and manage to co
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It is necessary to compensate for the death of death makes sense.
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I\'m surprised our enormous good will close your eyes and ears to occlude. Our desperate resistance to the real reality. While nothing can not help it, but we blow up bridges to play war. To play the game, our people are dying.
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How to explain that one word, one movement may result in endless circles in fate?
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When an isolated incident arouses love, man everything is subordinated to that love and love gives him a sense of spaciousness. If at that time, when I lived in the Sahara, the Arabian Nights appeared at our bonfires and warned of the dangers in the distance, the desert became interwoven communication node and made sense. It created a breadth of these ambassadors. So it is with beautiful music. Or just the old closet smell when it awakens and associated memory. Excitement is the feeling of spaciousness.
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All that concerns people is not counted, no general application. The real space is not available to the eye, it is simply a spirit, and its value is determined by language, because language binds all things.
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Now I realize that is civilization.
Civilization is slowly accumulate over the centuries, beliefs, customs and heritage of knowledge, which is sometimes difficult to justify by logic, but that in itself justifies the roads as if it leads somewhere, because it gives people their inner space.
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People tend to run away, traveling to look for space. but the space can not be found. It should. And escape has never led nowhere.
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If civilization is strong, the man receives his fulfillment, will remain motionless.
What we are worthy of being fixed?
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man most people, when, kneeling, still praying.
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When Pasteur, held their breath, staring
microscope, she is full of the spirit world.
Then he goes ahead. Then he hurries. Then
He, as the stationary race giant steps
and reveals the breadth. Also, Cezanne spirit world is very saturated, when he was motionless and dumb looks at his sketch. He is
most people at a time when silent, examined and evaluated. Then picture him getting more than the sea.
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Space, which opens the poem, is fragile and priceless treasure, which is able to provide only civilization in space belongs to the spirit, not the eyes, and not without the breadth of the language.
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Childhood, a wide area, from which we have all come! From where I am? From his childhood. I originated in childhood.
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understand the meaning of peace. Peace is then
when everything fits into itself. Villagers return
at home. Grain blend into the barn. And folded linen
are ordered cabinets. Peace, people know
where to find every case. Know where to look
friends. Know where to sleep overnight. Oh!
Peace die when welding is interrupted when one
no longer in the world, when a person does not know where to look for them, the love of family
head is not returned to the sea.
Peace is in all things-readable form,
when it made its meaning and place.
Once they become part of something
greater than themselves, like earth minerals when they enter the tree sap.
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