Death I do not not raised, neither great nor heroic, full harassed. It is just a sign of confusion. Confusion effects. Saturiņicīts>
mind falls asleep at night, and all things
quite simply as they are. Those
really important, regain your true nature, the daily analytical Spreading untouched. Man
linking together individual pieces and over again
becoming calm.
Day belongs to the family squabbles, but
night brawler again finds love. In Love is more than the name of the wind. And the man
starry night, leans against the windowsill, became
again responsible for a sleeping baby, daily bread, and his wife sleep, the rest
just around the corner so weak, fragile and volatile.
not strive to argue. It is. Something to arrive the night and I found that love worth it! So I can think of civilization, human destiny, of friendship in his country. I would like to serve as a powerful, perhaps even words incredibly true.
human heart is very vulnerable. It should serve
a long time. It is pointless to risk it so obvious effort
due. This is the same as a burn diamonds to
baked apple.
Spirit of life is changing. Only in the mind
operation is continuous. The analytical capabilities of
little fluctuation. By contrast, the spirit takes account of
things, but the sense that they are connected. Face, through them ainojas. And the spirit of the cash realized sometimes comes down to total blindness. For people who love their homes, it happens
moments when he sees it only as an individual
a set of objects. A man who loves his
wife moments happen when he sees the love
anything other than worries, troubles and limitations. The person who listened sympathetically
music moments happen when he does not
nothing. Sometimes moments when I do not understand your
urgent and comprehensive care,
home care, day to day duties do not allow detailed
tell that date.
Motherland is not the county, tradition, wealth, the sum of the mind can always conceive. This is the essence. And happen to moments when I realize that I have become blind to the substance.
pure logic sagandē long life. Saturiņicīts>
material difficulties gradually eat up people like an unstoppable mountain nogruvuma tūkstošveidīgās consequences.
matter how dear to us would be dead, while nopūlamies with funeral work, we are not in contact with death. Death is something big. It is a new web of relationships that binds us to the thoughts of the deceased, things habits. It is quite a new world order.
Outwardly nothing has changed, but change is
everything. Book pages are the same, just not
the book makes sense.
To realize the death, we imagine
the hours when the deceased was we need. Then she is missing. Imagine hours
when we were needed him. Now no longer
he did not need. Imagine a friend
visit time. We look at life in perspective. But the day of the funeral have no prospects, no spaces. The dead are still sašķēlies
pieces. Burial on the day we were in a hurry izsvaidāmies barren, and the handshake
true and false friends, izsvaidāmies tiny, everyday concerns. The deceased died tomorrow, only silence. He will appear in its totality, to his loss of the whole of our being. Then we kliegsim the pain that he had to go and we can not dissuade him.
Fear arises when a person loses his
real \'I\'. While doubts kept me in ignorance, my feelings and behavior is only a temporary mask.
Time no longer presents a moment after moment,
as a growing tree, my real personality, a
I\'ll be an hour. Stranger, \"I\" comes
towards me from the outside as a ghost. Then I was afraid. Bad news is not caused by fear,
but suffering.
Every minute I loaded with your content. I like the burgeoning fetus harassed fear, circumstances and objectives. But I myself am involved in the preparation of the future. Me Time is gradually being established. Saturiņicīts>
It is important that we are guided by one goal, although at first glance do not see it. This is not a goal in mind, and spirit.
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