little volume!
How simple is the most important events!
people first inspired by invisible motion. People led by the spirit. In the desert, I\'m worth it, worth my deities.
attending to the sick, shelter exile, even the value of forgiveness is granted only smile that illuminates the holidays. We face a smile that is beyond language, caste, party differences. Whatever our habits, we are believers in one church.
If the traveler who climbs the mountain, according to
the stars, climbing over the pursuit of the problems, then he can forget the star
their run. Acting only acting because he
will not come anywhere. Excessive concerns about the place
letting the church, the cathedral benches pārzinātāja
You can forget that she was serving God.
We human beings tend to behave arrogantly and worthy, but deep down we know timidity, doubt, sadness.
smile is often the most important thing. Smile
reimbursed. Smile award. Smile cheered. And a smile can also be such that it is due to go to death.
We are each other pilgrims who
different paths going through difficulties
the same meeting.
matter how urgent is the action
we must not forget the call to which it
should be, otherwise it will remain fruitless.
The policy makes sense only if it serves the spiritual, convincing clarity. Sometimes miracles
lessons we have experienced people to people
attitudes, values: it is our truth.
first man is blind desire for
heat. Later a man from illusion to delusion finds its way, leading to fire.
Aicinādams friends at my desk, I
please him to sit down, if he is lame, and not-
forcing him to dance.
In war there is one sense, it suppresses all
others. Meaninglessness of humor. All around us
Brooke. All throws. The collapse is so complete that
even death seems pointless. In the commotion death
lack of seriousness.
I do not understand why the summer calm
would be contrary to death and everything nice turn into irony.
imagination appears pointless scene.
Stopped clocks. All the clocks stopped. The village church clock. Station clocks. The empty house fire watches. And fled watchmaker window - dead
Watch cemetery. War. . . Clocks no longer
no neuzvelk.
Only victory wrapped in anxiety.
Organizing victory, victory brings. And each aizelsdamies swept the stones.
By contrast, the defeat makes people turn
confusion, sadness, and above all, the atmosphere of futility.
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