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Page : 516
Everything was still quite warm, quite fresh,
quite alive, one at the start tend to be loving memory. We assemble soft letters
bundle. Add to them some memories. All
carefully wrapped. And the start of the artifacts have a
sad charm. Then pass a blonde
blue eyes and a relic of death.
close friend, liability, home town,
memories of the home loses its brightness when
they no longer have anything useful.
[ ]
seemingly distant friends near maybe
much more tangible than a real presence. It
proximity of prayer. I\'ve never so much
loved his home and in the Sahara.
[ ]
We quickly find friends that we
helps. We are slowly getting it worthy friends,
that require assistance from us.
[ ]
long jāzīda child until he is called by
you. Long jādreb of friends, until he asks for your friendship part. For generations the bust by restoring the old, collapsing castle,
to learn to love it.
[ ]
It is important to stay somewhere in it, with
the man lived. And customs. And family
Festival. And the memory of home. It is important to live to
return. . .
[ ]
Sahara. As far as the view goes, it is
only uneventful Sands, or more precisely,
small pebble-lined stretch of dunes because there
meets infrequently. There are any circumstances in order to bask laden boredom. And yet invisible deities establish the direction, aspirations and character
network, hide and live muscle. Uniformity is no longer. Everything gaining importance. Even
silence is different.
[ ]
How nice is the prodigal son\'s absence while she stays behind the house, the family [. . ]
Refugees. They were missing sons without homes, where to return. Then begins the real journey - a trip outside of himself.
[ ]
Man is like a violin: if the interruption in the last trench, left with only a tree.
[ ]
the tribes subsided, when evening brings cooler and feel it
as we lowered the sails would have landed
a peaceful harbor. It is in the southern calm, the sun
reserves the thoughts and movements. It is an insidious silence,
when the north wind stopped and the like pollen, which is pulled from the ground Midland havens
appear insects vēstīdami sand storms approaching from the east. There is a conspiracy
silence of the Arabs confidential consultation. There are
wrought silence, the late ambassador
and not return. Reedy calm when people gasp at night and listening. Melancholy silence, if we remember them by love.
[ ]
The fact that flies over the seas, the whole continent contains some of the lighthouse spark. Lighthouse
not measure the distance. Its light is simply
living in the eye. And all the wonders of the continent
contained in this star.
[ ]
Happiness is the only thing you can give each other, anything whatsoever from you.
not enough to well-being and comfort to
We feel fulfilled. We, who instilled
human dignity, a very simple encounter a lot of sense, which sometimes turns into a wonderful celebration.
[ ]
Stronger and mūžīgāki for me is the same
they have what I need to orient yourself. In order to know where to come back. In order to live.
[ ]
The desert is not where it thinks we are.
Sahara is livelier than any metropolis, and
vistrokšņainākā city becomes empty, the life
The main poles are demagnetize.
[ ]

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