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Page : 514
I have found a source. That is his man
needed to rest from the road. And his
a. I\'ve found him again, and finds the phenomenon
sense, and I walked beside her through the world, the essence of which I was finally opened.
[ ]
Besides all that, which can not be relied upon, it is also more tractable case. She ruled
for books, flowers, friends. She had a
the contract. She knew the password
puts smile only knew eachother signal.
[ ]
Touches people can lose quite a few of
[ ]
you love is to be born again.
You love to have some color brilliance by
sometimes you noticed his eyes, and you think that
it will be just as easy to keep the flame of the lamp.
Sometimes the simplest words, it seems
have such power and is easy to maintain love.
[ ]
Happiness is the only thing that can give each other, anything whatsoever myself.
added to your silence
quiet part of the house.
[ ]
gone? Lost in? But if among all those changes, maybe they only
remain the same if they were the last face in
so true, that there will never be able to blur!
[ ]
She wants to love the love of similarities.
[ ]
Love fingers of a man can escape
with all your past, present, future
fingers of love unites people.
[ ]
Her home was a ship being carried
generation of people from one coast to the other.
The journey is pointless as here and elsewhere, but
gives a sense of security in his own ticket
your cabin and yellow leather suitcases!
[ ]
resisting what is happening, then
not suffer. Even non-resistance was certainly not suffering anymore grief.
[ ]
daily life, each and every detail step
The importance of having an event, and woe to the soul gradually loses importance.
[ ]
hour slip away as a small rural station: twelve at night, one, two - they remain
behind fade. While moving out. Become
parent is not horrible.
[ ]
woman with frailty, viskailākā flesh of all living creatures
is also the most beautiful, gentle. He thinks about
mysterious force that animates the body,
As the sun warms the internal climate. He not-
asks whether it is delicate or beautiful, it is warm.
Warm as zvērēnam. Live. And always beating heart, someone else, not his source of life,
that on the body.
aphorism has bee: both with fragrant honey, both poisonous.
[ atzinas_un_aspratibas ]

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Page : 514
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