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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 513
sky, clear as water, washed
stars, and they began to shin
[ ]
worker in the mornings begin to build the world, every day is the beginning of the world.
[ ]
Hope that you gave, you are going to dig a grave.
Mail is the value You Were Told, mail
is more precious than life. And yet so easy to over-
zudināms. The smallest mistake - and it dims
flames, the wind scatters.
[ ]
Is it really a man, fell in love with a woman, becomes the slave of Pirro or the executioner
as Nero?
[ ]
All of this landscape, sky and earth are brought
as a human dwelling. His father\'s house with their own procedures. Each case stands upright in its
[ ]
Or just the only real truth is not
book lies in peace?
[ ]
wipe off only a few roses
garden, a day with the wind, sun and rain is
passed. Order in the house a feeling of comfort.
[ ]
In the distance we imagine everything else.
Leaving parted from loved ones to
aching heart and a strange feeling as if
would be digging into the ground for some treasure.
[ ]
all I can when my feelings resonance. But no sense in me dreaming.
Was similar to the pilgrims who a few moments
too late to come to Jerusalem. His desire, his
faith but dead: he finds only stones.
[ ]
Nothing is as hazardous as hoped.
[ ]
. . . fragile girl. You sit down silently so that the shade golden gleam fell
you only to the hair, thou, light-crowned, reign. You crooked us forever, so closely have you been
associated with the entire world, you were so sure about the
all things, their thoughts, their
the future. You reign. . .
[ ]
Every woman has a secret - something unique movements, silence. And all senilgotas.
[ ]
full of tears from the heart - it is
more costly than diamonds, and the man who they
Jersey, would become immortal.
[ ]
- read in-poems. . .
You read, and we had learned about the world,
about life, lessons that smēlāmies not the poet, but from your wisdom. And lovers
Tears of sorrow and queens got enlightened
peace. People died for love, but your
the voice sounded so frame. . .
[ ]

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Page : 513
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