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Page : 510
we\'re at with lime Brasla me a pair Brien
at present Brasla even a cat I run across
I hear how you beside me slowly flowing
I\'m Tigris Euphrates thou shalt be my
People thousands of years ago have lived
between us
and everything by which they
still a mystery
[ ]
time to time, I remember the good days
crosses but I do not feel anymore
and again I fall in love Liepa I see myself wading across the
past adorn the face numb smile
[ ]
behold a voice is jābrēc gulls
pieces by pulling the wind
but I do not know how to talk
I with you when we parted
I do not know thy hair
fiercely whirling gusts
maybe I now jāsabrūk land
taken and inverted
while licking his lips dry lips
I do not know what you\'ve got to say
we go through the yard look I say
This time the cat is dead
[ ]
and dark in the yard who then went through
we tripped over the cat died
someone blew the horn at the top of indifferent
and moving heavy thunder mākoņblāķi

and the music and the waste čaukstu
janitor in the morning and swear at
a yellow-red and ungodly cold
either dune cat bird addressed

the sky which is home to all the joys
where toothless old foes
either cat planet revolves around the smoke contrails

and small kittens to each other ready press
now inextricably and away neaizsviežami
As my idea \"would be pointless to mourn -
of cats. But the people, indeed, these words would seem to be at least one false. \"
[ ]
described in the paper
Small droplets of blood
and they\'re still not met
and they do not care, I betrayed

Me either of his unfulfilled
Fate is a real curse
a lack of blood droplets
and neuzrakstījās story

however, but they were so life
lovers who was by myself
into play - and flashing Two
dark greenish eye of sorrow
[ ]
easy to sparkle in the dark sorrow
phosphorescent eye
I again slowly you eat
and slowly saploku same

\'ll go tomorrow to talk to Lyme
she wants us to say
sewn quarrels and all sorts of guilt
we can not make

why life is so beautiful
sometimes it is a bitch
and evil toughest knots cause
open - and stops ride

numb waiting for you I am sitting opposite
with you is the same
easy to sparkle in the dark sorrow
phosphorescent eye
[ ]
again, no matter the tide rises
regardless of my faith
gludajās sand waves come full
real splash of love

his wandering - gently and softly
Sand it all is absorbed
[ ]
I went to sleep when people are asleep
poppet legs as cul
below her heart
and the melt sheet
I fell asleep when all the lying

I feel as small as he
but I am too short paladziņš
and my feet have long since melted
in this world where all lying
[ ]
I pulled the paper line.
I pulled the paper line.
A straight line is: ______.
The line is beautiful: ______.

I pulled the paper line,
line leads to you.
I am the number and the number of prayer,
a prayer for you.

I do not know anything else,
I pulled the paper line.

I\'m waiting and waiting.
At the Chamber forward.
Or sunny weather?

Waiting and waiting.

To my dear good to go.
So many of the world\'s good to go.
[ ]
is the result of child
one little boy
screaming and you are looking for

the buzzer
already kuroreiz
You forced him nekliegt

he good
he always forget
as they\'re cheating

and faithfully ieķersies
You hand it to the crab
[ ]
live flowers

window of our soul burns
for a couple of years of no sleep
acuraugi graciously cry
snow white napkin

passing through the sky and clouds run
advice and torn nerves
washing machine howl and roar
sentimental sterva

Children are flowers of life
flowers that eat insects
attracts and devours
and sand on top of eating

but wanted to live insects
live in spacious and beautifully
the dream of his nest
consists of urban air

look like a little spark
wandering home limosa
she look like a little spark
wandering home limosa
[ ]
AFTER getting lost

Here\'s a small rock
you pulled on the forehead
one more magical, as an effective sign -
your boy bur,
surrounded by a great silence -
sluggish as the future of next year cab bark -
you drag them,
and dip your steps,
and a tree and quickly novaidas
fly away
an incubus, who is now visiting
to thy breast will come long -
your boy pesteļo. . .

You find yourself -
surrounded by a great silence,
and left home just a few steps -
that\'s it, he bur,
when the faithful are sleeping
on your hands,
asleep on the road.
[ ]
I\'M Lonely

I\'m not lonely
either as to
poems for single articles

the daily wave me uzguļ
a pleasantly vibrant splash

I am not funny
either as to
funny poetry for the article

I am so happy at night I become
at the kitchen table of the clown

tvīkst lonely solitude
bizarre and weird shout

their site and I look
children and death in the face
[ ]
long he was staring at you,
a long time looking at thee,
and desk light
flowers easy to swing.
What he saw in you,
Cold, black autumn night?
Smoky chest vibrates
padrūms joy as nenozagts.

But he took the pleasures,
stealing those entitled -
his warm, sluggish glance
Bless them rare anymore.

All in all for you to seek,
in you that he is looking.
Night, you guys dreary day!
Flowers easy to swing.
[ ]
hair flying in the autumn wind
hair in the form of live

remember when gray hair
his first plīvošanu

writes letter to hair
old at the mirror every morning to get

the bones of the autumn wind
face of an obsolete

yours looks cute and short
for a long time they do not write
while receiving the first letter
I long klanīšu galveli gray
[ ]

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