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Page : 509
how much we were accustomed to
off her long legs
We talked about everything that came to mind
We are not talking about him

until the time when the
[ ]

this girl is making a tear beads
and decorate the bed and is decorated with dolls
sunset walks this girl sad
and chargers, all in a row

then do not tap or never
no one at the feet of the chest the hips
I am well pleased with him grieve
but she nolamājas and stumble

comes in the night sky and the stars appear
the lonely girl to carry the
this girl is making a tear beads
and decorate the bed and is decorated with dolls
fire is decorated with the image smoothly

\"They will meet sooner or later\"
[ ]

Zobel klabinot aizdeso Jumis
everything so green and all that cold
jade this summer hens except pupae
maybe not at all decided to flourish

Hunter has a passion pressed the trigger
ball in flight and not look
which is both delicate freesia forced
with pujenēm walk walk

I built the worlds this summer
grief concrete building on the
how cruel is my screws
jade has no place anywhere
[ ]
oh yellow birch pyramid
I am your Šampalijons *
for your decryption me
praises the autumn of Napoleon

Autumn is my singing time
the spring, I\'m clone
and your summer flowers
I have only cologne

Autumn is an experienced woman
by the autumn with me doing
soul meets herbarium
great nodzeltējusi panicle
[ ]
izkūp life with a cigarette in the air
and tomcat on a home climbing stairs
oh my beautiful flying my short
oh my damn how do you save

to house four stone steps
and hours of each turtle resting
we were alone, we have some very
at you four stone steps
[ ]

\"I said nothing about any
when the horn cattle go home
I pledge to you I can not give
but klusēšu for all
retreats from the eyes of the ring \"

when the horn cattle go home
and drunk far cry in the mist
\"Because you\'re touching me
which then will decide to god
All shows will come when the fall

\"I pledge to you I can not give
and if you ask a few serious \"
run into a symbol of the wings vēzējot
no, sorry, it\'s raven
\"If they were free to give a passport\"
\"But klusēšu for all
As with all small rivers will become \"
\"You have sharp eyes coding solution
Well give me your life \"
and leaf lying over the river

of the eye ring retreats
\"I am a river footbridge dress
you go over that last \"
as a hazel twig you will obey
This unfortunate little daughter
[ ]
lava Motive

hands melts and doing the cool shoulder
the boiling lips svilina beak chin
the sun long gone why still so hot?
unfortunate that I have to give you?
grassland are burned, and the flame runs along the trunks
the ice floes finally understood already gone
she flowed and blind stones between
slowly cools slowly killed
[ ]

I am bearing a gray highway
even as an escape from

behind the machine bitterly flaps
skin over the eyes nomaukta

which I had taken off
beast or man

what shall I do now
I have to log in with

all we are human
year of life in all ways

from where such horrors
where the skin was

what shall I do now
how do I stop

how to skin it got off
how can I killed my
[ ]
weaves, weaves a love of honey,
Steal frost -
and only ice
shimmer on your bread
Spoon the entire pot
rise up with your power,
at the crossroads of the faint būkšķi
zvirbulītis falls dead. *

The hair is rising still,
and on the head severe foot
walking horror officer,
whistling a sweet song.

(Winter Song giant power
make me unhappy. )
and along the fence aizklumburē
Lute, which nevaig string.

Where we both now go?
A great deal of snow trail
autopilot crushed,

crossroads, as it was said,
Catullo. Dead. And beside him
zvirbulītis upside down.
[ ]
lamps and the stars slowly dziest
There is horror in the world and peace

collapses and falls towards my house
silent as the moon orbits around me you

terribly sorry but you really? Moon
that life will not fall on the Earth

at night you can hear the howls of my rocks
the brakes as sore as hyacinth

served to arm the smell maybe
wants to get to you and disappear into the void
[ ]
go along the rope wall
which you hold the upright
you would not have this wall
long to be overturned

will feel the cold wall
Salta tears seep
female builds a wall
then pray nesadzirdama

stroked valgo Wall
which you hold the upright
I would not have this wall
long to be overturned
[ ]

Entered the palace of loneliness
and all corners of the verified
funny and warm stone muzzle
stringent noglaudījis lions,
I am worthy to sit down the hall at the table
sirdīgi and watching the evening is blue.
This does not serve. Here the castle.

Along the walls of the marble top of sticky plants
that attracts all kinds of insects,
and movement of the butterfly stone in the mouth
is lonely as I am.

I pick up an imaginary cup
and drink half, then discard the dry
and get up to go again.

But the grass is already infinite. To-door
life will not go.
[ ]
each have some free
little place in her soul,
everyone has someone cooed,
vērdamies night -
the woolly fog,
how fragrant nubia,
gas jet - what are they?

Each has a little place, warp
warp and peaceful melody,
warp as the huge fish from the water,
the heaviest guy pulled atspēries rope
ieķēriens located at the end. . . each
is free, everyone has missed little place,
to live where no one can
(Could be the one who is gone, left), -

desert, desert,
across the mullah
pulled his so-called long.
[ ]
from time to time I remember the best days
quietly and sadly closes an open window
and along the coast where the serious cases slienas
memories of us may get make your reed raft
miss izgāstuvēm where abandoned smells flowers
paper coated with a single blow with pain

I am the river where the soul flies thoughtfully
the river sleeps, and slow the flow sigh
[ ]
all my good reach of the coast
all the best to you I do not care anymore
wind Salog mysteriously tombstones
beneath the gray sand lying naked in a strange and ennui
[ ]

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