if swallowed tears - does not make them fat. Saturiņicīts>
girl to know everything. But no more. Saturiņicīts>
I thought the whole evening. And just because the TV sabojāies. Saturiņicīts>
How you dress, it also listens to you. Saturiņicīts>
I can offer you
as a clean and bald Nothing
dew tiles meadows
empty and solemn columns
aptrūkst you pat!
and in response to the quiet
dripped from pienenēm
beautiful and strange poetry
shall distil upon any
who lived under the sun
the dumb shall distil upon the deaf
for all the fallen \'
they are as grass
is izziedējuši bones
by your heels Basie
rain as a blessing and concern
I wish I lapse into silence during
while others would not be a burden
sure as the wind marguerite
standing in my bare meadow Nothing
and through the grass as the waves
the souls of all the coast
stubbornly seamlessly
rowing is rowing
I\'ve got a box with various heart
I\'ve got a box with various heart
the pastern pink
and Eve had but I was still at the window
watched the branches that bowed to the wind
and waves that ran through the grass mudīgi
Watch tikšķēja stove and also
dust nose curls
Wait a lunacy
surely no one was happier than
of items like that
through panes
through the chest
came the cry of light
dear boy little boy
that is wrong with you
smoke fist
air into
tram did not move anymore
dear boy little boy
that is wrong with you
aircraft nokaroties
shamefaced coughed god
(Which did not) and laughed
I am guilty
I am a sinful
I am a big
sun at the big sky
crocuses * creep in the streets
and I will terribly
clarify the relationships
April likes to run the wind
as frigates go girls
I own my calf pleasure
I am the lucky owner
There is nothing in the pockets
head less than
and add to the wealth
April will relationship
they are wide as the street
good as the big lime-
and at all corners and caves
breed that is shared
you went with the first trolley
I went back to the hut and made to bed
I iesāpējās something thoracic region
and still hurts now when you think about
all of which will always end badly
a hideous gray Rītiņš always rises to heart so much
either leave it as it does not matter to me
čukstieni or something more in my hut reads
motionless clouds mourn
scrap yard and watching the full
sleeping sleeping boards stacked containers
lying in a transparent and bare grief
as cerībiņa with swing eye
walk over broken glass, and formed an uproar
I go out and she comes in.
I close my eyes when she is in.
to nesprūk from me and nedauza panes
she just starting to develop breasts
Comments on Embankment
Waterfront trīsuļo laughter
Ladies walking there
From the river through the railing see
Ladies legs
Mournful mournful evening comes
One lady even walking
Without a specific target in the same way like
Pretty and ugly feet
No wind smooth ironing
Daugava mirror
Where is it now jozīsi crazy girl
What the hell have you been
I fear that it dulls the girl stumble
Ladies of the foot that will go quietly
The girls all the ladies will
And of course, will stand to hang
POETRY two o\'clock at night
sleep in is burning his head
unprotected left arm
adhering to the high fence
lamp is lit on the second floor
that can be burned in the hand
It occurs when the morning and the bus
happy as a woman to sweat
you hear voices: oh boy sleep
but not stain clothes with nodeguli
He leaps out and runs back hullabaloo
loved him as the only
the only place where their pārsies
nākamnakt again on the fence kārsies
I stayed watching a black nose
my big nose, my old devil
some poets went out
was started in the dance
sērkoka flame shone
her thoughtful face
was a clear summer morning
the lovely smell of beer
All these things caused the desire to
most often caused by beer
and then one of them does not matter who
gave a speech on the nature of women
none of their speech as well as he himself
did not see a very good
but the etheric and the eternal image
who gave the lives of these words
listened to them nogūlies
overhead on the tin roof
of moist air from paguruma
sneezed this image
so suddenly - as shives dispersed
sadly muses sons
image of the basement and one flew
the brothers either peace be upon him
at least he was not the worst
If I compare it
little person who jumped
from my heart,
similar to the one lost
Eve is.
He long hair,
to nabucītim shirt
everything that they hear little person
may seem shallow,
but he has a lot of Honey.
What will I get it.
The unfortunate little person
he not live long.
opened the ITS
one star in the tail
ITS like a hand gliding down
himself to seamlessly
and smile
Deletion do not take into account
Big Sky gallows
only clips
only clips
opened the ITS
sparkling track
Comes from a large dairy,
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