desert me. Me depleted saliva but dried up the beloved characters who I could
whine. Sun izkaltējusi me tear sources.
hit me like a puff
light breeze of the sea.
There is no longer racial or language differences, there is no disagreement, there is only a poor nomad who imposed on us on his shoulders Archangel
Thou who saved us, the Libyan Bedouin, you
izgaisīsi forever from my memory.
I never neatcerēšos your face. You\'re a man, and your image, I view all people
at the same time. Do you had not looked at us, but
Now we knew. You are our beloved brother.
And while I would recognize you in all people.
Flowing out of you greatness and grace, the great Lord, with copper quenching thirst. All
my friends, all my enemies come in you
meet me, and me in the world there are no more the enemy.
people, as we know, everything is controversial. One is provided livelihood to give
him the opportunity to lead, but he falls asleep, gained victory spoils and weakens the conquerors; generously
was the wealth becomes a miser. What we
give political doctrine aimed at - people prosperity, if we first know
what type of people it will. What will the world?
We are not uzbarojams bars, and a poor Pascal appearance means a lot more than a few nameless lucky birth.
Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you can not describe it, man you enjoy and
do not know. You are not only essential to life,
you are life itself. You permeating m will become immense pleasure to the senses. With us, you
returns to ability.
By your grace returns vis our
heart depleted sources.
You are the greatest treasure in the world and the finest, you, the subsoils clear water! May die to the source of dissolved magnesium. May die, even if collected in two liters of dew, which contains salts do not know what. You allow a mix, you suffer in fraud, you\'re timid deity. But you fill us with endlessly simple happiness. Saturiņicīts>
activity is not pleasure, as well as for each activity
Giving full gusto. Saturiņicīts>
People always does what: if you do not do the work, then make mischief. Saturiņicīts>
good chuck for egg čiepst. Saturiņicīts>
so gentle beast has the ability to charm. Saturiņicīts>
After a thousand years more easily see
Yet everywhere our feet,
Because we are immortal
And our joy and sorrow. Saturiņicīts>
When the slug above the flowers will be enough,
Then the need to lie beneath them:
After the lights come my chair -
Sleep tallish of mischief.
Then, piesaucies your God
What gives me more peace of mind,
I would have to say the sun - Goodbye!
But the heart of the earth: - Hello
man will increase on the day of the first heart pasmiesies for themselves. Saturiņicīts>
sometimes fall in love some silly and even annoying little things due. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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