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Page : 500
Road bends gently to mislead us
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a world where life as easy access
life, where the wind bed of flowers mixed with flowers, where all the familiar swan swans, only
people lift their loneliness.
[ ]
Desert. . . the white surface of the hundreds of
thousands of years, have been DAEs; ata only stars. Immaculate tablecloth, lined below
clear skies.
On the tablecloth, lined below zvaig-
Except, it may fall only star dust - never no meteorite so clearly failed to demonstrate his or her background.
[ ]
Do not know what happens to me. Severity
I kept off the ground, even as many stars
pulled towards you. Such a different deception
strength makes me return to my own. I feel
their weight, which I associate with so many things! My dreams are more realistic than sand dunes,
the moon, for all the surroundings.
[ ]
Brīnumainākais is not that the house provides
we shelter or warmth, or that
we own the wall, but - that they are slowly deposited in us the tenderness
dose, up smagmi mysterious depths of the soul, from which the bark as a source of water dreams.
[ ]
Three years in the wilderness led me to discover
taste of life. There are not taught about the horrors of his youth,
in descending rocky landscape, no, here it seems that
far away from us the whole world is aging.
[ ]
Trees have borne fruit, in the countryside nobrien-
Better coverage and cereals, women become more beautiful. But
turn of the seasons, and we remain detained in the distance. And the bounty of the land slides through your fingers as
desert dune fine sand.
[ ]
People usually do not feel the passage of time.
They live in temporary peace.
[ ]
We were like high speed passenger, which stunned the night knocking wheel
noise and a spark after a handful of
pašķist behind the car window, predicts that the long aiztraucas fields to their villages and charming corners, from which he did not
reserve, as on the way.
[ ]
And yet we loved the desert. If
it is only the beginning of emptiness and silence, then
therefore, fail to reveal that those who love it
one day. Even our own any land
The village has hidden from us. If we do so because
neatteiksimies from the rest of the world, if neiekļausimies its traditions, habits and strife, we will never know what makes this
villages other than their homeland.
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closed cells in the walls of the monastery and live there for us, unfamiliar laws.
What to visit his Celli? It is empty. The human kingdom is within him.
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woman, also invisible, able to fascinate
the entire house.
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wells copper goes a long way, just like love.
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We have adopted the rules of the game, the game we transmis-sion of their similarities.
Sahara show up within us. It does not mean to attend to approach the oasis, to approach it means
make the source of our deity.
[ ]
disease, accidents, rebels - how
many threats to prowl around us! Man on earth is the purpose of many invisible riflemen.
[ ]

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