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With each arrest became poorer.
The only savior is the step you are taking.
One more step. Always the same
step further. . .

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sea, you\'re so beautiful
Sea, my peace of mind
Sea, come near me. .
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Nobody do not believe that I was kidding, so jokes about themselves. .
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Work, believe not to wilt!
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People can walk along a long, entering a
their silence or pārmīdami words
do not say anything. But there comes a danger of the hour.
Then people side by side supporting one another.
They discover that belong to the same community.
[ ]
Size is a sense of responsibility. [. . ]
Similarly, the thick trees to take to protect
the breadth of its foliage.
[ ]
Being human means being directly responsible. It means to feel ashamed of misery
that does not seem to depend on us. It means
proud of the victory gained by our members. It
means to realize that, instead of your nolikdami
stone, we are helping to build the world.
[ ]
tend to glorify the death of contempt. Laugh of contempt of death. If it is not rooted in willingness to accept responsibility, then it is only
the spirit of poverty or youthful disorientation
[ ]
I remember the death of the gardener, who I
said, \"You know. . . heaves a shovel, sometimes I
rained sweat. Bone pain made my stiff
legs and chests that I slave labor. Yes, but today I\'d like to dig, dig the ground. Dig but
so nice! Man feels so free when digging
land! And what is now clipped my trees? \"He left the land of copies. Left
even rough planet. Love him tied
with all the world\'s countries and all the world
trees. He was a generous, generous, a great land lord! He was a brave man,
The generation fought against death.
[ ]
If we feel that the machine corrupts people, then maybe because we lack sufficient exceptions, to discuss our experiences, so the consequences of rapid transformation. Who
machine is a hundred years of history, compared with
two hundred thousand-year human history?
We have just managed to settle the landscape
the coal mines and power plants. We just
begin to settle in the new house, we have not
even ceased to build.
[ ]
Everything around us has become so fast: people\'s attitudes, working conditions and habits. Even
knowledge of our world is fundamentally shaken. The concepts of separation, absence, distance, return, although the words remain the same, no
signify the same content. In order to receive today-
ing world, we use a language that is generated
yesterday\'s world. And the passage of time life
seems to be more consistent with our nature perhaps only because it is more in line with our language.
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Each new progress casts us a little Top Outside the range of zero Acquired Habits,
And we are truly Immigrants Who Have not yet
Established Their own country.
[ ]
Courage, above all, justice is a consequence.
It seems that all human rūpaliskās effort, all the calculations, drawings, all night long vigil in the end result only in a transparent plate with ease, as if there should be
several generations of experience to gradually remove a column, the hull or airplane fuselage shape, until they obtain breast
or shoulder line primeval clarity. It seems that
engineers, draughtswoman, planners say the work is
smooth, smooth shape, making it easier to separate nodes to balance the wing, to
it disappears by itself and no longer attached to the torso at the aircraft wing, but fully mature, from its shell at last released form, something like uznirušam suddenly, mysteriously united set of
which is a poem.
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seems to be fully achieved not when
no longer have to be added but when no longer
to take away.
[ ]
If anyone dares to cross the road but
desert, it throws a curve bends to refresh havens.
[ ]

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