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goal might not justify anything, but
action unfolds from the dead.
[ ]
respite granted only major accident
the fate of the released people from taking action.
[ ]
If the path was once judged to not be able to pursue.
[ ]
victory. . . Defeat. . . Words are meaningless.
Life is beyond these ideas and
itself is already preparing new. Winning a debilitating
people, defeat the forces awakened in another.
[ ]
Earth allows us to find out for themselves
himself more than all the books. In it we
resistance. Man discovers himself when forces were competing and challenging with an obstacle. To the beat, he needed tool. Need plane or plow.
The farmer, workable land, nature gradually elicits some good mystery, and the truth that he reveals, the top general.
[ ]
plain, scattered spark. . . Darkness of the ocean each of them was a sign of humanity
consciousness a miracle. At the fireside of people read, pondered, šķetināja sincere language.
In another house maybe tried urbties space,
nemocījās with estimates of Andromeda
Nebula. There - loved. Far from each other in the countryside
shone all the spark and took his food.
Even visnecilākās, even a poet, teacher, carpenter spark. And those living in the middle of the star
many laced window, extinguished stars, people asleep!
Need to try to find a contact. Need has sought to
communicate with one another from the spark,
which is on the plains far from each other.
[ ]
Under the Sea Cloud is an eternity.
[ ]
will be times when thunderstorms, snow, fog
You will bring a solid headache. So remember those who experienced it all before you,
and say to yourself, what others failed to perform, always doable.
[ ]
instigator you
to escape from your prison, and so you\'re not to blame. You\'ve built your peace of mind, aizmūrēdams -
as do termites - each light gap.
You\'re saritinājies sīkpilsoņa your safety, your
routine, provincial life stifling rituals,
you are a miserable mound bulwark against
winds and the sea ebb and flow, and the stars. You do not want to take you excited great
problems that you have enough hard to forget
you are a man, you\'re not far from errant planet populated, you are not employed by questions with no answers. No you have not been grabbed by the shoulder and sapurinājis once more
was too late. Now the clay from which you made, is arid, hardened and no longer
unable dormant musicians, poets
or star researchers, who may initially
lived in you.
[ ]
I can not complain about rain resistant.
My professional magic opens my world, where
boldly going towards black kites and
lightning blue hair decorated mountain korēm -
world, where I, the night is due to the release read over your path celestial.
[ ]
world is only one true luxury that
and it is people\'s attitudes between splendor.
[ ]
employed by only the material benefits
because we are the way his prison. Lonely
we keep ourselves locked in with their insidious money
are unable to provide anything that could have made it worth
to live.
[ ]
soul becomes large by looking the other
consciousness. With a big smile on a man sees himself
to himself. He is similar to exempt prisoners, which impresses the sea infinity
[ ]
Yeti loss of self-defense
instinct. Gone two, three, four days,
he just wants to sleep. Also, I wanted to. But
said to myself: my wife - if she thinks that
I am alive - believe that I go. Members believe that
I\'m going. All I can trust. And I\'ll be the villain,
If I will not go on.
[ ]
The body is only a good tool,
body is only a servant.
[ ]

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