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Page : 496
head hurts
Līgojot all night;
Think, take care,
Where Jānīti guldīsim:
Are bringing the horses stelītie,
Sudrebiņa rack.
Clover shakedown lawful,
Rose paledziņu deck,
There Jānīti deposits.
Plūciet, daughter of soft drugs
Janice Taisiet site:
Janice head hurts
From alina dzērumiņa.
Janita came Janita came
Where Janita guldīsim?
Granary guldīsim
Soft lime leaf,
Soft lime leaf,
Fine linen sheets.
Janice shakedown Taisu
Of all the herbs:
Paparksniņu, madariņu,
Clover, vetch;
Another Smildziņa Hill,
It stayed pillow;
Peacock feather pad
Flax flower paladziņu.
Jānīti guldīsim,
Alutiņa drunk?
Apinīšu garden,
Under the hop leaves.
Night show people. Humble star in the dark -
difference of a house. One
Spark off: it is a house, which ends,
Glabādama self-love.
Or sadness. It is a house which has ceased to broadcast
signal to the world.
[ ]
People think that their lamp shines
only a modest home table, but eighty-
kilometers away which has hit the lights
cry like a desperate signal from a desert island in the sea.
[ ]
He realized that eventually left to old age, at the time, \"which will get rid of\" everything that does a nice people\'s lives. Indeed, as if one day would be enough time, man\'s life is in the end reach the blissful peace that imagine. But peace is not. Maybe there is no victory.
[ ]
life promises intense suffering and joy,
But it is only worth what.
[ ]
life against him Were only mildly
[ ]
If the musician behind the insomnia produce beautiful
works, then it is beautiful Insomnia
[ ]
He had felt lonely, but soon
Realized how rich do the retreat.
Music news reached him - their only
among the mediocre - the secret magic.
Just as the stars in a given sign. Across so many shoulders
It spoke to him in a language
realized he was the only one.
[ ]
events may dictate, and in-
included, and that a new arises. Also, poor people
should be built and jāpārrada. Even though the jānobīda
edge when evil gets through to them.
[ ]
evil neizrauj as soon as the
faces and no matter where they occur, then occurs
short-circuiting. Neizskaust evil is a crime,
when accidentally found its promoters.
[ ]
Strange how the events take precedence, as
Gets a powerful dark force - The Same
Strength Which makes Forked Rainforests of plumps,
suffers violence, and pots from all around the large
works. Temples, Which Rips apart the tiny Creepers.
[ ]

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