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Page : 495
Atjāj John midsummer night
Appuškotu Kumeliņš;
Tec, nurse, waiver worth,
To ride John playpen.
Brings sister wax candle
Bāliņš gold flashlight;
To see the light Janita
Saddles their Kumeliņš.
terminate the scale pūšat Guna,
John, you place the room:
Jānīts behind the door
Kumeliņu sweaty.
Sed \'Jānīti, chairs
Zaļozola leaves,
Zaļozola leaves,
Clover blossoms.
, Jānīti, the Son of God,
Your wide cap:
The whole wide worlds
Lower your cap.
What\'s that sparkle that shines there
In her field tip?
Janice Hat
Gold tassels tip.
Jānītim, brother,
Div \'corners hat:
In one plant rye barley,
Second kumeliņi children.
Janice Trejo skirt
All riding tray:
The first green, the second blue,
The third such puspelēki.
When I would be so rich
How Jānītis tonight:
Brown skirt to the ground,
Sudrabiņi knee.
Jānīts rode gadapkārti,
Well renewal tonight
Well tonight renewal
The broken coat.
Intangible, subsidiaries, rose flowers,
Lāpat John\'s coat,
Lāpat John\'s coat,
Pušķojat hat.
Janice Long Skirt
Grass race wiped out;
John\'s children to thirst,
All night līgodami.
Jōneišam feel oats,
Vārdamos month,
Kaidi roksti month
Taidi Jonah jūsteņā.
Write daughter, write, daughters,
Janam blue flag;
Izrakstījšas, embroidered
Give Janice.
Janice gold belt,
Sudrabiņi zobentiņš;
Sparkle belt, shining sword,
Gate iejājot.
Jānītim, poor,
Large damaging event \':
In the evening, John
Gold Belt dropped.

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