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Page : 493
Jānīts sat \'oaks,
Mugurāji silk waistcoat;
Maucat, daughter, white gloves,
Go to greet him.
Janita climbed the hill,
Ozolkronis head;
Climb, Janita, Lejins
Get your John Benoit.
Jānīts sitting in oak,
John\'s children Pazar;
Climb, Jānīti, of oak,
Roadmap kids room.
Janita sits in oak,
Golden harp koklēdams;
Climb, Janita, of oak,
Come into my playpen,
Come into my playpen,
KOKLE his golden harp.
What keeps shining, there shines
His field tip?
Jānīts pina gold crown
For young daughters.
Pin Jānīti, give me one,
I need this fall.
Jānīts Made a Wreath,
Willow sitting;
Pin Jānīti, give me one,
I go off key.
Jānīts churn dissected,
Sitting on a stone,
God\'s son sastīpoja
Sudrabiņi Headband.
midsummer, John, St. John, John,
Well it\'s your day came;
When you come Pēterdiena,
Then St. John\'s Little Peter.
midsummer, Jānīti,
Here sleep the night
No sleep in Riga,
Not in Jelgava:
Riga those horse thieves
Steal your kumeliņu;
Jelgava cloth thieves
Steal your coat.
Jānīts came to St. John\'s,
Daugavins swing,
Daugavins swing,
New Riga tried.
sub bridge in Riga
Midsummer night dulpējās?
Jānīts traveled each year,
Bring flowers vezumiņu:
Here a handful, a handful there,
In order to bloom in all worlds.
throughout the year, John, look forward to
I could not wait;
Well, I for him
In the midsummer evening.
Listen, young, listen to, old
God came into the house,
God came into the house
In the midsummer evening.
Jānīts rode all year round
Well renewal tonight
Well renewal tonight
Horses tied at the gate,
To rise saimenieki
From the soft cushions.

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