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Page : 491
Everyone is waiting for St. John\'s Day,
All gardens weed;
You, Līzīte could not,
You Kars stacks.
Sete It\'s lazy daughter,
Vis dob neravt;
Cūks pups snatched,
Little Pigs carrots.
Jonas natikleites daughters,
Pupeņas naravātas mammals;
Kai Muna Mamen
Kaņepeitas izravātas.
League boasted a daughter,
Ravējusi their gardens;
Small bushy plant nettles,
More details balandītes.
I iesviecu rudakmeni
Padurnieku region,
To become moldy, to bristles
Padurnieku lazy daughters:
Beet field līgojās
Under a blue clover.
Kaimiņosi industrious daughters
All gardens noravēti;
We mājāsi lazy daughters,
Even the flowers neravētas.
, Janita, you slept
This long Vasariņš?
- Tīrumiņa tips,
Under gray stone.
Jānitis lying
Tīrumiņa Vidin,
Tīrumiņa Vidin,
Under gray stone.
head hurts
The stone nogulēja;
Get up, John, brush head,
Morning, your day will be.
Sak \'Jānīti lost
We got Jānīti,
We got Jānīti,
Vērmelīšu Krumins.
Jānīšami, brālīšami,
Woe was this evening:
In the midsummer night
ievēlāsi brook.
Jānīts lying in the stream
Velvet skirt back;
Come here, John\'s children,
Drag John stand in the corner.
Jānīts screamed, cried Jānīts
Deep river bed;
Come, St. John\'s children,
Drag John stand in the corner.
Oh, I adore, oh, I adore,
Jānīts flows Lejins!
Tekam large tekam small
John troll hill.
Jānīts throughout the year, came
Well came tonight
Well came tonight
When Jānīti chanted.

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