young boys, a new subsidiary,
Midsummer night neguļati:
Who Slept on Midsummer night,
Lodging rye, barley lodging.
Summer Solstice, Summer Solstice this year
Another year again, the summer solstice;
Last year was the rye, rye this year
Another year over rye.
good saimeniece,
To bypass your rye field;
What a slut,
Not neapgāja around the garden.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my flax field
Izmin gaurus, izmin JUDr,
To the top of my clean linen.
Liniņa Labadi
Līgoti went,
To me Liniņa,
Flat in the plant.
Trejo prongs
Dusters sowings
Sweep Janice
Linin Labadi
Ligot went
To me Liniņi
Smooth plant.
AUGAT, Liniņa,
Linen flax meat,
Audīšu tea towel
Towels meat.
I sleep no midsummer night
By the same scrolling,
To sleeps me a line
Big field.
Take Jānīti, Melli Mr Siig,
Apjāj my flax fields;
Liniņiemi blue flowers,
Sudrabiņi pendants\'.
If atjāsi another year
Give a fine linen shirt.
father John Flax Fields
Bloom blue flowers;
DANCE all the gentlemen in Riga
Blue linen pants.
grow, our flax fields
Blue flowers;
Went to John\'s father
Blue velvet pants.
good mistress,
Bypass their flax fields;
Which is a sleeping pig
Not neapgāja around the garden.
Saturiņicīts> tekst
mudīga saimmeniece,
Aplīgoja flax fields;
Where a netikuse,
Gul and her husband Granary.
Holy Mara village came,
Met bean ravējot:
God helps ravētājas,
Sviedit drugs stand in the corner,
St. John\'s mother will come to you,
Will be asked for your ravējumu.
John\'s mother asked me,
What flowers racine;
I replied:
Racine white flowers.
Rācenītis boasted
Midsummer night wallow,
Midsummer night wallow,
All the land fill.
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