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Page : 488
John\'s father\'s yard;
Cut, God, rye barley
John\'s father\'s field.
no such luck
What luck Janice,
It grew to five spikes
One stem tip.
Janita Sevim carved furrows
Nine rollers
What is the barley, the rye
Barn scroll.
tied a black horse
Janice at the barn door?
Sons piesējuši,
Barley, rye mērodami.
, Jānī
Oh brother, oh, brother,
Your big field of rye:
All night salīgoju,
End of the field did not find.
Brien, Janita, rye field
The gray coat,
Izbrien bears, izbrien bent,
Abandoning explains labībiņu.
rye at the moment,
Velvet skirts lifted;
Rye which it broke,
It grew up žuburots.
John Druvu bride\'s mother,
Gold sags raised;
Lowered until golden sags,
Racine Dābols fall.
Midsummer mother rye at the moment
Gold shoes kājņā;
Not the Mirka silk tassels,
Not silver ielociņi.
adores sowing Sudrabiņi
All the long midsummer night;
Vol, I adore, my judicial
Jele one birzumiņu.
the gold lounge
By Janice rye field?
I adore the gold lounge,
He wants to clean bread.
rye noziedēja
Servant neziedēja rye,
They bloomed on Midsummer\'s Night
Sudrabiņi flowers.
Jānīts dune hill
Rye fields to look at;
Hurry, John\'s children,
John aplīgot glory.
I nopinu ozolkroni
In the midsummer night
In order to grow rye to grow barley
St. John\'s father\'s field.

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