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Page : 485
you, Laimiņi, wide sags,
Cover the cows my garden:
Midsummer\'s Night Witch
Assembly gathered.
envious person, my dear Mara,
St. John\'s mother lairage,
Cut with a gold zobenīti,
Sit with copper trumulīti.
Sit, Jānīti, copper drum
Gate pole tip,
To come Witch
John\'s night to milk the cows.
Midsummer Day, Midsummer\'s Night tonight
Summer Solstice which they belonged?
Moderēm, witches,
They are owned by the Summer Solstice.
Court, the court, not Melina, elderly Valodina: Midsummer\'s Night daughters went witches, werewolves.
Milk, kreima river flows
In my govu lairage;
Skauģi neck nosalauzis
A \'Devin witch;
, Janita, where lekdams,
Jump lopiņu lairage,
Sit turtle, horned min,
Purely my laidariņu.
Take jānīti, funeral horse,
Apjāj my laidariņu,
Rated sailing, rated happiness,
To the top of my brown cows.
Midsummer govu neslauciet,
Gano early nedzeniet:
Witch sitting krūmiņosi
With silver slauktuvīti.
Oh, daughter, daughters,
Keep the cows:
Witch in the bushes,
Pail in hand.
Oh, guys, guys,
Keep the horses:
Jānīts bushes,
Bridle in hand.
milked his raibulīti
Midsummer morning boots;
To burn Laumas soul
With blue ugunēm.
Gotiņa, my raibulīte,
Nospērusi witch;
Slauktuvīti as found
At the very bottom of the stables.
I put my gold chain
His govu feedlot,
To stabbed witch,
Midsummer night\'s staigādam
(Also: walking in the milk).
Appušķoju laidariņu
With apple twigs,
To izbada fairy eyes
Midsummer night while walking.
Piniet, daughters, crown of thorns,
Throw cattle feedlot,
To witches eyes of hunger,
Midsummer night skraidīdamas.

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