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Page : 484
Pieguļnieki, wise men,
Guni cane bone which,
to Dūmiņa nekūpēja,
Jānītis to see him.
I was born on Midsummer\'s Night
Kumeliņš white mare;
If a horse, tētiņam,
If the mare, mother.
Jānīts screamed Jānīts Beca,
Coaster standing:
Jānīšami, brālīšami,
Kumeliņi lost.
John Pan, John cried,
John lost horse;
John calls on Midsummer\'s Night
Trembling, zvargzdēdamis.
Janam horses disappeared
John night fit;
Sons received
In his oat field.
an all-day rain,
Another sneak a midsummer evening.
How Jānītis nesalija,
Kumeliņš waiting for?
of Jurgis to Midsummer
The guys rode fit,
In the midsummer night
Sasavēla stove.
of Jurgis to Midsummer
Guys went fits,
The same evening, John
Sagājuši pigsties
Embracing grizzled pig
New daughter thinking.
Naburgs lazy guys
Nokvēpušas stable door;
Our daughter wiped
In the midsummer evening.
John father of five boys,
Apausīši alone;
When vaj\'dzēja horse harness,
From each other twitched.
Five, six sons, Jan,
Alone of all kumeliņš;
The same stable door
Vakarēju vērumiņu.
neighbor\'s daughter is lazy,
His goal nepušķoja;
Neighbor are lazy guys
Feed their own horses.
Div \'ierbītes highway run
Brushed cekulīti;
As no shame Janita:
Scoured Kumeliņš.
midsummer night did not sleep,
Conn. \'heifers sargādama:
Midsummer\'s Night Witch
Assembly gathered.
Close, mother, cow garden
Nine keys:
Midsummer\'s Night Witch
Assembly gathered.

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