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Page : 483
Nejāj, my men do,
Midsummer night adjacent to:
Janita my sheep shepherd
This long Vasariņš.
Nejāj, my men do,
Midsummer night adjacent to:
Nejāj, my men do,
Midsummer nkti fits:
Janita your Kumeliņš
Iron gym Edina
Iron gym Edina
Hearing Rāvas babbling.
Saimenieki, saimenieki,
Guard their livestock,
Midsummer night pieguļāje
Kumeliņu neganiet:
Midsummer night room iron,
Nava pure babbling.
night kumeliņus
Fed mow clover;
John\'s morning kumeliņus
Laidi groves meadow,
Laidi groves meadow,
To spend a midsummer day.
midsummer night, men do,
Nejājati fits:
Then walked in evil spirits,
Then burvīši witches.
I accidentally Midsummer\'s Night
Kumeliņu fits:
Midsummer night hen night,
Kumeliņis wither me.
I Nejat Kumeliņš
Midsummer night adjacent to:
Midsummer night new subsidiary
Looking for my Kumeliņš.
I say unto you, young men,
Nejājati fit;
The most Jānītis Kumeliņš
Ēdināja leash.
Young boys, men do,
Keep Kumeliņš:
Janita went midsummer night
Iemauktiņi hand.
Ūsenīti, horse papa,
What do we do tonight?
Līgot all the people went,
We are only two fit.
While the \'early celebration tomorrow\':
John Dew whitening,
John spodrināja sun.
owners, landlords,
Jājāt horses fit:
Janita your Kumeliņš
Racine washed.
river behind green grass
Golden Dew Galin;
There, I was men do
Midsummer night fits.
Jānīts horse nojādija,
Pieguļniekus searching:
Pieguļnieki wise men,
Sleeps the road edge.

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Page : 483
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