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Page : 478
Nes, Janita, drug burden
Give my gosniņām:
Then there will be milk, then there will be kreims,
Then there will be butter skotulā.
white villainītes,
In order to fit the propelling sheep:
Midsummer night golden dew
Then the sheep wash.
stuff rained midsummer night
Gold flashed races;
Gin sheep paddock
To wash it white.
I drove on Midsummer\'s Night
Their sheep fit:
St. John\'s golden night dew,
To wash it white.
young boys, a new subsidiary,
Midsummer night neguļat:
St. John\'s golden night dew,
Then the sheep mazgājasi.
large fog, large dew
A large forest edge,
There I dzīšu themselves\' young sheep
Right on Midsummer Eve.
Aunam, daughter, white feet,
Chasing sheep fits:
St. John\'s golden night dew,
To wash sheep.
Who wants white villainītes,
In order to move their sheep pieguļāji.
I saw Midsummer\'s Night
Jumped three suns:
One rye and one barley
The third pure Sudrabiņi.
Nejāj, my men do,
Midsummer\'s Night fits:
Jānīts thy kumeliņus
Iron Hall Edina,
Iron Hall Edina,
Hearing power restraint system.
Nejāj, my men do,
Midsummer night adjacent to:
Janita your Kumeliņš
Iron gym Edina
Iron gym Edina
Hearing Rāvas babbling.
midsummer night, men do,
Pieguļāji nejājati:
Wild dogs mother was called,
Rīdīs your kumeliņus.
young boys, men do,
Do kumeliņus:
Jānīts went to St. John\'s night,
Iemauktiņi PUD.
John fit the night:
Then walked in evil spirits,
Then burvīši, witch.
I accidentally Midsummer\'s Night
Kumeliņu fits:
Midsummer night hen night,
Kumeliņš wither me.

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