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Page : 477
Midsummer shepherds hill,
Pieguļnieki Lejins;
Midsummer sun forest ends,
Vakrēji noiedama,
Midsummer itself māmuliņa
Shepherds to raise the gates.
shepherds drove the playpen,
Bushy linden gates opened;
It was not bushy lime,
It had John māmuliņa.
Atdzen shepherds atlīgo,
I ran down the gates of securities;
Bring me a shepherd\'s daughter
Green floral wreath.
I log in, a new subsidiary,
Ghana wipe off the road:
Ries adores, will go Laimīte,
God kumeliņi tripped.
Sit, Jānīti, gold pegs
His barn floor,
There hung dear Mara
His white slaucenīti.
speckled cows
Host Berry Kumeliņš;
All regiments flowed
John\'s mother lairage.
cheese, milk, mother of John,
For cow puškojumu:
If you do not give Sira, milk,
Remain ālavīcas cows.
cheese, milk, māmuliņa,
Heifers for decoration;
If you do not give cheese, milk,
Nepušķošu another year.
cheese, cheese, St. John\'s mother,
For heifers grazing;
If you do not give cheese, milk,
Neither the \'cows Dābols.
cheese, cheese, John\'s mother,
DIZANA great piece:
I fell stroke,
Your cattle herding.
John\'s mother, John\'s mother,
Shepherds of milk, cheese, shepherds,
Shepherds of milk, cheese, shepherds,
Arājami cheese juice:
Ploughman cows stoned him
With green turf.
Jānīts climbed the hill,
Medicines burden on him;
Come on, Jānīti, Lejins,
Give my telītēm.
Jānīts sat on the hill,
Medicines burden on him;
Come on, Jānīti, Lejins,
Give my telītēm.
Jānīts went on years old,
Medicines burden on him;
Go Jānīt, playpen,
Give my telītēm.
Jānīts Hill oaks,
Medicines burden on him;
Climb, Jānīti, of oak,
Brings noticeable telītēmi:
How Herbal nastiņāi,
As heifers lairage.

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Page : 477
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