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Page : 475
Maxims are short of memory.
Kaimiņiemi nepuškoti:
Kaimiņiemi lazy daughter
Vārtījās bed alone.
Neighbors\' daughters nepušķoti:
Neighbors\' daughters lazy daughters,
Unable pavazāt feet.
daughter\'s boast
Flowers pušķojušas ceiling;
What helped the flowers,
When there is no soot slaucījušas.
your room
Lapiņāmi scattered;
Lapiņāmi scattered,
Izpuškoju roses.
Pinata, daughter of a Wreath
Midsummer Eve:
Who will be the gorgeous wreath,
Since Janice līgaviņa.
Come on, children, meadow,
Sēžamies circle,
Nopīsimi wreath,
Which John expected.
All fences, žogmalītes
John medicines overgrown;
Let\'s go, daughter, read,
Pīsim Ján wreath.
I twisted wreath
Trejdeviņi flowers:
It took the popular son
In the midsummer evening.
I nopinu Wreath
From nine Midsummer flowers;
Spīdēj \'me Wreath
Through nine glasses windows.
In shone as wear,
People sons irritated.
your Janice
Made a beautiful crown:
Burdock laws around the edges,
Roses Vija crest.
I nopinu Wreath
Of these, pura Vaivari,
Janice put it,
For this to become intoxicated nepiedzēris.
Appušķoju St. John\'s father
With oak wreath \'
To the sons of such plant,
Land thick as oaks.
Appuškoju Midsummer father
The oak leaves,
To the father of St. John Green
How green Ozolins.
Appuškoju John\'s mother
The oak wreath;
How leaf wreath,
So gosniņas lairage.

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