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Page : 474
John\'s children did not know
What are the real John medicines:
Pumpatenes, rūpatenes
Or the \'other nezālītes.
daughter went to Janice,
St. John\'s did not know the drugs;
I recognize Midsummer medicine
When my mother placed:
Rumpatenes, buldurenes,
Ras in its true celebration medicine.
Well I\'ll go watch
Which daughter of John medicines:
Small roses, MAGONĪTE,
They have a daughter of John medicines;
Stiff thistle, sharp nettles,
They had guys Midsummer medicine.
burkšķi dogs, beans lekšķi
New boy John medicines;
Clover, vetch
New daughter of John medicines.
Dievkociņi, tansy,
They had a daughter in St. John\'s medicine;
Swine mint, black willows,
They had guys Midsummer medicine.
I think I took care,
What Pļaviņu nosliedēja;
John nosliedēja children,
John lasīdami medicine.
Jānītim asked,
What kind of spread to John Hall.
- Reaping the benefits of, sister of plūkdama,
Pick some colorful flower bouquets:
Blue, white or slightly yellowish,
What Midsummer blossomed.
From Janice asked him
What pick John Hall.
- Plucked in front buldurjāni,
Then the red clover.
walked through swamps, forests,
Buldutjāni searching;
Just around the plant buldurjānis
My garden wall.
nomirkuši John\'s children,
Salta racial bradādami,
Salta racial bradādami,
Buldurjāņa searching.
all good celebration hall,
What are reaping the benefits of Midsummer Eve;
What are reaping the benefits of the morning sun,
It is no longer the case could not be used.
Oh, Janice dinner,
Ozolins significant consumers:
Want Gardens tīrumiņi,
Daughter wants wreath.
Ozolītis, zemzarītis,
Midsummer night crying wept:
All branches aplauzīti,
John is making crowns.
I knew the fence,
Where children were waiting for John:
It is decorated playpen
With green oak trees.
new wife, what you expect,
Pušķojieti bath thatch \';
Then I adore you bouquet
And his sons, with daughters.

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