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Page : 470
Sira, Sira, mōmuleņa,
About teleišu ganeišonu;
In nasadūsi Sira, pina,
Remain vōloveites gained.
cheese, cheese, John\'s mother,
Dižan great piece:
I fell into the go,
Your cattle herding.
John\'s mother, John\'s mother,
Shepherds milk, cheese, shepherds,
Shepherds milk, cheese, shepherds,
Arājami cheese juice:
Plowman cows stoned
With green turf.
cheese, milk swain,
Milky juice Araji,
Who Apar papuvīti
Black turf.
Padziedam, līgojam,
Three parishes zeltenītes:
Remtenieces, saldenieces,
Blīdenieku zeltmatītes,
To listen to these folks,
What līgot did not know how.
track inventory throughout the year
Guys, Jani waiting for;
When the day came to St. St. John\'s,
Did not know a word.
Vysas Dzīsme contained,
Jonas Deane gaidēdama;
Kai Dago Jonas recalled
It vysas I jõdzīdoj.
Ligotaji, Ligotaji,
It is no longer far Midsummer Day:
This dieniņa tomorrow dieniņa,
The day after Midsummer\'s Day itself.
Come, daughter, sing,
Conn. \'the voice fold:
Midsummer\'s day will come soon,
Then there will be great singing.
Ghana Grez song
At a small head;
There is no one more sing,
Already, nine were written.
I had three songs sleepsuits
Apenīšu dārziņāje,
Good as gathered,
Jaan-day waiting;
When the day came to St. John\'s,
Well there are songs jāizdzied.
great day came to St. John\'s,
I have little PUD,
Small amounts of the same
Is received, spent.
Jānītis rode all year \',
Atjāj Midsummer Eve;
Atjāj John vakatā
Their children to see it,
Or eaten, or drunk, \'
Does not died from hunger \'.
I asked you, men do, Piepļauj green clover, What to eat John\'s horses, a long way tecēdami.
thus coming Come on, John Day,
We\'re going to \'beautiful receive:
Cup lambs telēnīņus,
Frying the cakes of bread;
Līgodami walk
Edge by edge.

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