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Page : 468
Lazy daughters netiklītes,
Fence gates nepušķoti;
John walked past children
On the other, very fruitful.
Sērdienei nepuškoti;
Gives Jānīti, its bouquet
To puškoja sērdienīte.
neighbor industrious daughters
Decorated room,
Iztabiņa decorated,
Apmeijoti goalposts.
People\'s subsidiaries boast
Flowers pušķojušas ceiling;
What helped the flowers,
When there is no soot slaucījušas.
their telītēm
Clover rope toms,
That they themselves came manim
John\'s morning playpen.
their telītēm
On the anniversary of the honor of doing:
I do beer, cheese, hay,
Extra flower wreath.
Appuškoju colorful cow
Berzins with sticks;
Bouquets, God, another year
With mottled telītēm.
little cow, my raibaliņu,
You Give me a delicious selection of milk,
Therefore, you apdziedāju,
Therefore thine Vija crown.
early this morning got up
Great work made:
To his hairs izķemmēju,
Bull horns appušķoju,
Bull horns appušķoju
The oak sprigs.
Appuškoju the cow,
That gave more milk;
Which I did not give milk,
To puškoja Veli mother.
Viņsātami nappuškotas:
Viņsātami lazy Goni,
Napuškoja show cows.
Bouquets, brother, horse stables,
I puškošu laidarīti,
I puškošu laidarīti
White bird-cherry flowers.
John Gano morning I went,
Large damaging made:
Noganīju brother Meadows,
Peoples son rye field.
Gosniņ my raibaliņa,
What\'s on your \'colorful wrote off?
- Dear Mara written off
Midsummer morning herding.
his cow

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