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Page : 462
raining \', keepsake, when līdams,
Nelīst \'Midsummer Eve:
John Salis my medicine
John Salis papardītes.
Lij, keepsake when līdams,
Nelij Midsummer Eve;
You own a whole years old,
There was celebration dinner.
taking, thunder, when we take,
Inflicted Midsummer Eve;
Thine is all years old,
To me this celebration dinner.
, Liepins, broad leaves,
Cover my wreath:
Midsummer night rain
Sudrabiņi droplets.
night descended keepsake
Sudrabiņi droplets;
It was not lietutiņš,
They had John asariņas.
Jani ielīgoja?
Our own villagers:
The first shepherds of subsistence farmers,
Visupēc new subsidiary.
Jānīti ielīgoja
Midsummer night?
The first shepherds pieguļnieki,
Then, subsistence farmers, ecētāji,
Then the same saimenieces,
Speckled cheeses sasējušas.
naksniņas Christmas,
All three apdancojamas;
Midsummer night alone,
All night dziedājama.
songs throughout the year, stocks,
Midsummer day waiting,
Well, came to St. John\'s Day,
Well jāizdzied song.
Vysu honor Dzīsme krōju,
Jonas Deane gaidēdama;
Jonas Deane vokorā
Vyss dzīsmeņas izdzīdōju.
I had three songs sleepsuits
Apinīšu dārziņāje,
Good as gathered,
John-day waiting;
When the day came to St. John\'s,
Well there are songs jāizdzied.
songs throughout the year, stocks
Sudrabiņi straw trap;
In the midsummer night
Scattered in the yard.
VASARIŅA Gano went,
songs gelatine ball;
Midsummer Night ritināju,
One resulting in the loss.
Ghana me posh song
At a small head;
There is no one more sing,
Already written in nine.
Dzīsmetēs īsalaižu
Kei vosoru pučeitēs;
Which Dzīsme nūdzīdōju,
You savynu vaiņukā.

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